Monday, January 28, 2008

A COOL Carbine

I want a .45 carbine. As my loyal readers know. (both of them) I stumbled over this one, and it is awesome. The DeLisle Carbine.

It's a bolt action British Enfield adopt to fire from a 1911 magazine and with a HUGE sound suppressor. It was used by Brit Commandos sticking it to Jerry in Dubyadubya TOO. Working the bolt is louder that firing the gun, supposedly.

Ooooooooooooooo........ It is nice.

Very few were made. 129 during the war, actually. An even SMALLER subset would be made for left handed people like me. Making an original left handed version about as common and as inexpensive as a set Geo. Washington's Titanium Dentures set. But there are some pricey reproductions that tempt me yet. It does match my requirement for a 1911 mag. But not my semi-auto requirement. Close.
UPDATE: Firearm blog had a little entry about a Enfield conversion kit.

(hat tip to Free Market Fairy Tales. there are capitalist in the Auld Sod. whoda thunk it! ...and he makes me want to smoke again.)

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