Saturday, March 15, 2008

I've been remiss

I keep referring to a shooter error analysis chart on Castle Argghhh!, but I neglect to provide the links.

Here it is for left hand.

And for right hand.

I've seen these charts in many ranges but I can only find them online at If you go over to that website, he has some GREAT gun pr0n.

Looking at THESE charts more closely, I notice something else I may be guilty of, and this I beleive. The flaw is "Grip Fingers - squeezing fingers while pulling trigger." THIS I believe I am doing. And it may be why, when I grip the pistols more firmly, my accuracy improves. Because when holding firmly I CAN'T squeeze the fingers much more.

There is another flaw that makes you innacurate in another direction if you squeeze your whole hand instead of just the fingers. I don't see myself doing that, but I do see myself overcompensating in that direction.


Also, on another subject. Apparently I am guilty of making My Buddy the Gun Enthusiast covet another gun. His problem? He's bought too many already this year, causing great consternation to Mrs. MBtGE. Not because guns are icky, but because money ISN'T icky, and she wants more of the latter for other things.

The gun is the Springfield XD in .45. All the talk about Corky's and Chuckles got him to think about it too much, and MBtGE is a big fan of plastic guns. Sorry Mrs. MBtGE.

1 comment:

  1. Oho! I've got great gun pr0n, and you take my shooter's analysis charts... but I don't make your blogroll?

    Just for that, you can't play with my semi-auto M1919 and semi-auto PPSh 41, STG-58, and BSA Martini target rifle I'm picking up this week.

    So there.




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