Friday, November 21, 2008

Bullet Band

I need one of these. Haven't found one until now. Plenty of shotgun types at Bass Pro, but for rifle cartridges? No luck. Til I found them online after fining out they are called Bullet Bands.

Why do I want one? To put on my 1894C. The one I got from Pelosi's stimulus check. And I'm gonna embroider the gun's name on it.

What name?...

'Gummint Cheez'


  1. T-Bolt embroiders?

    Who knew he was a man of so many talents?

  2. Gummint Cheez


    Damn, gotta run, just sharted myself.

  3. My son wants one of those now since he shot it.

    Damn you.

  4. No, Jay. While my talents are quite diverse and eclectic, they do not include the ability to embroider. The local Bass Pro has a machine that does that.

    Hey, JB, there are .22s that come in that config that are fun, too. Has yer boy tried a .30-30? He might love that as well. Also a good rifle caliber.


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You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...