Thursday, November 6, 2008

SIG is making me happy

Or, Engage Armament is. My gun dealer found a pistol at another source. It's a comin'.


They are a bit worried about "no closer than" laws for gun dealers. As in, 'no store within 10 miles of a school.' There are 22 schools within a 10 mile radius. And 3 other gunstores, too.

I think I know the appeal. It is a Glock 22, but refined. Twice the quality. The price is indicative of this too... What the Glock would have been if it went to Oxford instead of Ohio State.

Before I settled on the 1911, the Glock 22 sort of beckoned.

AND I just got back from the Range, having shot the above, my 1911, and a P226 all for good measure. But more on THAT later.

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