Friday, January 30, 2009

I REALLY want to go squirrel hunting

If only to realize my lifelong dream of bagging and mounting one of these over the couch:

PETA Person: "Why shoot poor defenseless animals, you barbarian!"

T-Bolt: "Defenseless?! I had a .22, and he had an .30-03 Lee-Enfield!!! He had the advantage, madam."


  1. Just tell the PETA person it was a fresh roadkill.

  2. He must be a Free French squirrel, to have a No.4 and an Adrian helmet...

  3. I was lucky. If he had been a Wehrmacht squirrel I might not have survived the encounter.

  4. Years back,all most a life time ago, I had a PeTA person ask me a simlar question after a deer hunting trip. A little background, PeTA was doing a sill protest of deer hunters by using bullhorns and airhorns to scare off the deer. Not the smartest thing to do with a bunch of rednecks in south Georgia armed with rifles,but anyways it went someting like this:
    PeTA chick - "What do you feel when you shot an innocent animal?"

    Me - "Recoil."

    I don't think she liked my answer very much,for her face became very red as I walked off.


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