Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Celebration

Feeling under the weather put the kibosh on the yearly tradition of tying one on and going out to the yard to shoot randomly into the sky at midnight.

Ah, well, maybe next year. Unless someone has a compelling argument why drunkenly discharging firearms in celebratory manner is a bad idea. And immoral idea. And illegal idea.



  1. In Arizona it was illegal to discharge a firearm within 1/4 mile of any dwelling.

    In San Jose they had occasional pellets drop on, and damage roofs. In case a round fell through the roof, and ceiling, and nailed some sucker setting at the kitchen table.

    What goes up, must come down. Alcohol and gunpowder, or gasoline, or pointy objects, or ..

    Excepting the alcohol, my advise would be blanks. Stuff happens.

    Other traditional noise makers are a stock pot (empty) with a wooden spoon, swiped ship's bell, or maybe that wind-chime I have been contemplating, starting with several sections of 10 inch and 12 inch pipe.

    In the presence of alcohol, hooting an hollering seems to meet the need pretty well, and is less likely to .. ahem .. backfire.

    Just my thought.

    And I would like to echo the "Happy New Year" sentiment at Billll's Idle Mind (

  2. whale oil beef...

    Happy new year!


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