Saturday, October 31, 2009


What is the difference between a dingus and a doohickey on a firearm?


  1. A dingus is something you don't know what it does while you know what a doohickey does but can't describe it.

  2. But what about a thingamajig?

  3. Hsoi,

    A thingamajig is what can be used to replace a doohickey but you might need to a whatchamacallit to get it to fit.

  4. A dingus is usually the moron holding the weapon who asks, "what this doohickey?".

  5. A dingus is what prevents a gun going into full-on flibberty-gibbets if the doohickey breaks off... everyone knows this...

  6. Dinguses are external bits, doohickeys are internal bits. Thought everyone that?

    When your dingus gets caught in a doohickey, much screaming ensues.


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