Saturday, June 18, 2011

I got a range report...

But I'm just not feelin' it...

Blog funk, I guess.  Some days, it's easy.  Others, it's like pulling teeth.

Lessee... watching a Bill Murray movie called Quick Change.  From 1990.  In it, Bill plays a bank robber.  Wearing a clown get up.  It's pretty good.

Gun content.  He tries to shoot out the surveillance cams with the gun he brought.  It looks like a Beretta.  Same kind the army uses.  Lessee....  Nope, it's a Taurus clone of same.  Anyway, he can't hit the camera with THAT.  Naturally.  He resorts to using the old Colt revolver lifter from the bank guard.  First shot hit.  Yay, Muhrican firearms!  It's what I would have used.  He even shot it DA.

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