Tuesday, June 7, 2011


And pro-Second writer at National Review, Kevin Williamson, is on fire correcting anti-gun group perfidy and the confusion of fellow NRO writer Cliff May.

If you buy a machinegun without the rigmorole with the ATF you are committing a felony.  If you buy, possess, transport, or make the parts to turn a semi-auto into a machine gun you are committing a felony.  Terrists aren't buying machine guns at gun show with no background checks legitmately.  If they somehow, on some off chance, are, then all the people involved in the transaction are committing a felony.  There is no special dispensation at the covnetion hall where a gun show is held where you can magically acquire machineguns in that matter. 

There is no law needed to be passed to criminalize this sort of activity.  There is no omission to the criminal code that needs to be corrected.

Kudos to Mr. Williamson for clarifying and enlightening the unclear and unenlightened.

1 comment:

  1. I was reading a novel once in which the Middle Eastern terrorists had allegedly merely driven down to Alabama and bought the full auto weapons from some rednecks. My willing suspension of disbelief went away immediately. I live in a pretty redneck NW state, and even as a middle-aged white male, I'd have a tough time setting something like that up.


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