Friday, July 22, 2011


Sunrise in the Washington DC Metropolitan area was 85 degrees.  Usual DC humidity applies throughout the summer, so that is just shy of 99.72%.  Giving us a heat index, when it's still a little dark out, of... lessee... carry the 2... aha!  It feels like 138 degrees out.  Celsius, I believe.

I hope it's not hot where you are, and wish for cooler weather soon.  For all the good wishing will do.  I can wish in one hand and poop in the other and see which fills up first.


  1. I had a meeting in downtown DC yesterday afternoon. It was blistering out as I walked to my car when I was passed by a bicycle rigshaw that carried two people, plus the driver. It had to be a burning 105 on the street.


  2. This is the kind of Weather that can lead to Riots, so Stay Alert and Armed, and Pray that the Power Grids stay up.

  3. Funny, that's our weather for months at a time and we don't have riots. Oh, but it's Texas. That doesn't get put up with much.

  4. "It feels like 138 degrees out. Celsius, I believe."

    Ha. You'd be cooked at 38 degrees above boiling point.

    Our dewpoint is 4 F higher here than in D.C. but your actual temperature is 5 F higher.


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You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...