Friday, September 2, 2011

Libyan Gun Control

NPR on the radio this morning had a bit about the future of the country.  Now that the fighting is near over and all those rebels, armed with catch as catch can weapons... well... now there are a lot of young folks with rifles out there.  And that is bad right?  At least to the emerging new Libyan leadership.

They want a Libya firearms turn in now that the fighting is over, and the dictator has been turned out.  During the fighting, stuff was handed out like sales fliers at the door of Bass Pro Shop. 

Because Libya didn't have a gun culture because of that dictator, they don't 'need' guns now.

And only police and soldiers should have guns.  You know, to ensure people's security (which people?)

Pressure will be brought to bear, slowly.  First amnesty turn in, maybe cash incentives, then criminal penalties for failure to disarm.  Maybe.  In the future.  They'll let civilians have pistols, if registered.

Look, you just lived under a crazed dictator and his cronies for 40 years, Libya.  You know WHY it took 40 years to get rid of him and his depravations on the people?  Think on this...  Maybe keeping the 20mm cannon in the back yard may be more hassle than it is worth, but a rifle is a way to make any wannabe-Quadaffies from getting ideas.  Maybe you Libyan should look at our Constitution again.  Don't ask a US media type to help you translate.  Especially not an NPR correspondent. 


  1. Perfect opportunity to set up a Swiss Militia System. But since I think this whole thing was rigged just so the EU could get Cheap Oil, I'm sure the EuroSocialists will force Disarmament upon the Libyans as a "Precursor to Reconstruction Aid".

  2. That right there tells me that whatever comes out of this will rival if not surpass what came before.

  3. I wonder how their current revolution would have gone without firearms and whether they think their previous leader could have taken control if every citizen had owned a gun...


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