Friday, December 23, 2011


Airing of the grievances, stuff that cheeses me off:

  • Jimmy Carter, and his refusal to either join the human race, or shuffle off this mortal coil
  • Hippies
  • Bedbugs
  • Union leadership thugs
  • plumbing proects (but it's when I do my best cussing)

1 comment:

  1. +1 on all the above.

    Especially the plumbing one. I can build a house from foundation to roof (I've done so in the past more than once), but plumbing is like kryptonite to my handyman skills. Last plumbing project I undertook was a simple flapper valve replacement on a leaky toilet.

    Ended up breaking the lid to the tank and had to replace the whole damned toilet.


I reserve the right to delete patently offensive comments. Or, really, any comment I feel like. Or I might leave a really juicy comment up for private ridicule. Also spammers.

You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...