Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Alma Mater

Virginia Tech.  Another shooter, now.

"VaTech is on lockdown," wrote one poster on Twitter. "Hoping we don't have repeat of the past. What part of no guns at school is apparently hard to get."
Sigh.  What part of "criminals and crazies don't follow the rules" is so hard for YOU to get.  Also:  Now you know where my horrible grammar and sentence structure comes from. 

I hope the people shot aren't seriously injured and the shooter is brought to justice.

"Police says the suspect is carrying a pistol or a 'long gun.'"
Well that narrows it down....

[2PM update:  Reports that the police officer shot was killed.  Well damn.  I was hoping for no fatalities.  Thoughts and prayers for the officer and his/her family.]

[2:14:  Now 2 are reported dead.]

[5:40 Looks like a murder suicide, now, and all over.]


  1. Disarmed students are perfectly safe. Just ask the Administrators.

    What a bunch of liberal idiot pisswits.

  2. I went there. The school even gave me a gun to carry around. And a saber.

  3. Disarm the students. NO students with guns. If anyone ever tries something at VA, they can rely on the police to save lives. Right?


  4. Well it looks like a cop was shot, and HE had a gun on campus, certainly. The gun banners will just claim that if a cop can't manage to defend themselves how can a lowly subject like you so lets ban guns mmkay?

    At least the cop had a chance.

    But we will see, as the details come out. I probably shouldn't trust the first details. They are always wrong. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that this really happened at Radford University, and the shooter had a crossbow, and AP regretst he error.

  5. Now appears it was a walk up perp, not involved in the traffic stop the cop was performing. Probably shot the cop in the back or the head with no notice.


I reserve the right to delete patently offensive comments. Or, really, any comment I feel like. Or I might leave a really juicy comment up for private ridicule. Also spammers.

You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...