Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1911 Smithery

A kind reader forwarded me a link to a pdf gunsmithing manual, the Kuhnausen manual


Lots of nifty 1911 gunsmithery information.  And I have finally seen a picture of the Series 70 colletted barrel bushing.  I didn't know what those looked like.  I do now.

But the reader sent it for the specific question I had on a stake front sights.  In it, on page 37 is info on removing and installing same.  It involves Dremel tools.  And specialize jigs and what not.  But the Dremel alone...  I made myself a promise to never approach a firearm Dremel tool in hand with intent. 

Yup, gunsmith for me.  I wish mine hadn't gotten a job with Beretta Maryland.  Which, I guess, will be Beretta Idaho or Beretta Tennessee soon enough.

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