Wednesday, July 17, 2013


I coulda swore I had a post queued up for today. 

Ummm, lessee...  Uh... Well, Alan Gura is appealling Maryland's Woollard case to the Supreme Court.  Did it on the 9th.  It's our 'shall issue' case, ifn you don't recall.  So that's exiciting.  He bring up the point that Heller has said that people have a right to defend themselves but all these lower courts are saying that that right appears to stop at the threshold of your front door, and cout SCOTUS please clairfy? 

So we'll wait to see if it get's put on the docket.  And then hope they rule our way.  A happy result would turn all those May Issue states and then it's be sea to shining sea.

1 comment:

  1. Which could explain the Pre-emptive Strike Holder pulled yesterday against "Stand Your Ground".


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