Friday, July 12, 2013

No blog today.

My neck issue relapsed and Archie's terlet backed up again.

He flushes wet wipes, then lies about doing so.

So my mood is foul.  Doctor appointment follow up scheduled.  Monday.  Hate this.  Realized I like typing stuff.  Can only do that one handed, now


  1. they make wipes that are flushable...or is his plumbing simply unable to take anything other than TP?

  2. They make wipes that are flushable. But he HAS 500 boxes of the non flushable kind that he can't just THROW AWAY and not use...


I reserve the right to delete patently offensive comments. Or, really, any comment I feel like. Or I might leave a really juicy comment up for private ridicule. Also spammers.

You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...