Sunday, December 21, 2014


Why didn't anyone tell me there was a new and improved version of the venerable M1911A1?  I'd  have bought 4 or 5 by now.  THE 1911 for the 21st Century.  Poor S&W, I guess they are gonna lose the pistol contract to Detonics.

Snark aside, I am half intrigued.  Love to play with one.  I am too jaded.

But wait!  Beretta, late of Maryland, is ready with an offer of their own!   

So, Smith and Wesson M&P45, a now new M9, and a clearly superior to all the rest except for the plastic bits 1911A2 with a double stack...


  1. The M1911A2 concept was old news three decades ago. Check out this proposal by Dick Thomas.

  2. Yep, that's been around a while...

  3. Well, you folks need to invite me to the planning meetings more often.


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