Wednesday, May 27, 2015

NEVER read the comments

"im happy that vitname won u stupid yank u think u win evrything but u didint win any world wars u were late and the russian won the war"

"Churchill was Druid and a Freemason. Fraternities that are both the sworn enemy of Christianity. "

"Unlike Hitler, Churchill [nor Roosevelt or Stalin] never even served a day in combat. Jews brainwashed you to adore Churchill and despise Hitler, because Churchill was born, bred, raised and mentored to secure the Jewish agenda for the 20th century, and Hitler came closest to spoiling it all."


I reserve the right to delete patently offensive comments. Or, really, any comment I feel like. Or I might leave a really juicy comment up for private ridicule. Also spammers.

You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...