Sunday, May 3, 2015


So much for my reports.  Folks have gotten shot during the Bawlmer Unpleasantness.  But these may be incidental shootings of a street retail pharamacologice nature and not necessarily related to the anti-police riots.  Most aren't in the designated riot areas.  Not rioters shooting non rioters or cops.  Maybe taking advantage of the police focusing attention elsewhere to deal with their own business matters and competition.


Also Michael Moore

He wants my gun confiscated and now he wants the prisons emptied and all the cops disarmed too...  Hmmmmm.  Why do you think this is...

1 comment:

  1. Ond of the reasons the Cossacks were brought in. They had NO loyalty to the average Russian citizen...


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You can always offend hippies in the comment section. Chances are, those will be held up as a proper example...