Saturday, August 15, 2015

Buddy Asks

"I have an AR, and I am thinking of getting a spare 5.56 rifle.  I am leaning toward a Mini-14.  What do you think?"


Not a spare AR?


  1. While Ruger has fixed most of the issues with the Mini-14, it is still a Mini, and they cost about the same as an entry level AR, I would go with a back up AR, because all of the parts will move from either rifle with out any issues, and it would be a great place for spare parts.

    now if he just wants an Mini go for it, but for a spare rifle, why not one that would be more than a bit use full.

  2. The parts swap thing was what I tried to sell him on.

  3. Has he had a recent head injury, Tbolt?

    Just tell him that for every standard capacity magazine (that actually work) for the Mini 14 the cost is the same as FIVE Pmags.

    Here is a simple way for him to simulat a Mini 14 with an AR. If shooting with iron sights, change to the big aperture. With a scoped rifle the loosen the mount.

    That should approximate the 4 moa of the Mini 14.

    I don't have an easy way to simulat the crappy magazines. Maybe use old GI magazines?

  4. Get a very different AR. Get a long barrel, or a short, get a rail instead of a carry handle. There are so many different configurations available that a "spare" AR is easy to decide on.


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