Saturday, October 10, 2015

Tam channels here inner Holly

"Why are Sleestaks scary?" she asks.

Sure they are ugly, but they weapons are lame and they are slow.

Well, they are scary the same way zombies are scary.  Slow pursuit that is relentless has a terror all it's own.  Sleestaks got that going for them.

Plus... Ugly!  They give you the creeps. 

As a kid in the 70s. I wanted to be Will. 

1 comment:

  1. Sleestaks were scary because they were statues until you were deep into their lair.

    That's what I remember being terrified about them when I was a kid.
    Wander into a cave, looking at all the cool statues and crystals and then BAM!! Slow ass lizard zombies everywhere.


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