Tuesday, September 11, 2018


I despair every year on this anniversary.

We didn't get the righteous justice I wanted and felt was the country's due.  We are still in conflict, but not really looking to victory, just looking to end it.  We didn't expand it and grind radical jihadist underfoot in such a manner making their tactic of attacking the non-Muslim world for any reason unthinkable to them for at least a century.

That's the bad.

The good is we have Mattis at DoD, and a president that gives that crusty, yet moral, warhorse his head.  The other good is Iran looks internally shaky again, and that is a terrorist thorn we have suffered too long.  Maybe something will finally come of that, and the mullahs will collapse under their own tyrannical weight. 

I keep saying I'm not gonna blog the anniversary.  Yet here I am.

I wasn't.  Other people are forgetting it.  I might as well, too.   Stop holding the grudge.  But heck, I won't buy a Japanese car, still, because of what they did to my Grandpa.

But this article gives me a little hope.  Not everyone is forgetting.  And perhaps are coming up with a better way to remember.  Not bitter, like me. 

It HAS been 17 years.  I imaging 11/11 was a little different in 1935 than it was in 1919.  I should account for that.  Lotta water under the bridge then, a lot now.  Back then they had tear gassed war veterans for daring to ask for their bennies a few years prior.  A different world in 1935, a different world in 2018.  Maybe I need to adjust.

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