Friday, April 26, 2019

Range April 25

28 rounds.  924 since the gun was built.

The FIRST magazine went to the center mass at 75 feet this time.  I was fresh, and it shows.  Five inside the 9 ring.

Second mag, I felt flinchy.  And it showed.  4 sailed over the top of the head, or grazed it.  Third mag, same point of aim, better because less flinchy.

4th mag, I was aiming at the little guy, upper left, and missing.  Tired already.  Might as well pack it in.

If I ever get my stamina up, it will be doing things outside the range, mostly, I am sure.  Something on me hurts all the time.  Age.  I only mention pain here when it is out of the ordinary worse.   But I am sure those aches and pains aren't helping my stamina.  Nor is my sedentary job.   

Still, first mag went where I wanted it to at a pretty good distance away that I absolutely could not expect to accomplish just a few short years ago.  I'd never have thought to engage targets that far away.

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