Monday, September 23, 2019

Colt 2

You know what would be a brilliant move by Colt, to make another announcement:

We at Colt made a business decision to concentrate our efforts on some major customer production contracts, and to temporarily withdraw from the civilian market.  These larger orders are where our profit center lies.  
However, anti-gun forces are pretending like we at Colt acquiesced to their demands and somehow the company does not support the right of all Americans to keep and bear arms.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  The groups that wants to ban civilian firearm ownership have taken advantage of our announcement to try to score propaganda points.  And we don't like that.  
We really do have to have to focus on our bigger contracts, but, that doesn't mean we can't produce a token 300 Colt AR15s every year until it makes business sense to produce more than 300, however long that takes.  Just to show we haven't fully abandoned the civilian AR15 niche.  You can recognize these 300 rifles in the market because it will have the year and "Molon Labe" stamped on the receiver.  We don't want Gun Confiscators to mistake our position on the matter, and we think this move draws a line in the sand on where exactly Colt Manufacturing's position remains.   Thank you.

A better PR guy than me can spiff up the press release.   The Colt 300 will sell out at the price point they want because the supply will be restricted, the company looks better to us, the announcement is a thumb in the eye of the bad guys, and 300 hardly interferes with the other work they are doing.  Win all around.

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