Tuesday, September 3, 2019

If I was starting over

Buying guns.

Current-ish gunblog meme.

Starting over, now, knowing what you know, what do you get?

I'd buy two duplicate Commodity Plastic Striker Fired Service Pistols. Used. While living in a state that allows you to do that.

 (This all presumes a volcano opens up under my neighborhood and takes my house and all my stuff and that is why I am starting over buying guns from scratch at my age).

I'd buy two duplicate pocket pistols.  Used.  Prolly some pre-lock J-Frames that time on all 5.

That's about it.  Maybe a double barrel shotfun.  In case hunting.  Prolly don't need a spare, so no duplicate necessary.

I'm too old to do much rifle work in the militia.  But if I ended up in rifle country?  Meh, a couple ARs would get built, mebbe.  Put a pin in the rifle category.  Say zero for now.

No 1911s, sadly.  It's a great gun, but starting from scratch to make one work right again is a long haul.

So four, maybe five.  Three really.  Two pistols and their spares, maybe a shotgun.

I wouldn't even mod them much.  No tritium sights, frex.

Spare parts that'd fit in a .30 cal ammo box.  Ammo for each type that would fit in a .50 cal ammo box.  Four spare mags for a total of eight for 9mm.  Level III retention holster for the big pistols.  Small safe to store them in.

"What about a .22, T-bolt?"

What about it?  Nah.

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