Is it really a tradition if it is less than a year old? I have been indulging a sweet tooth. Coffee and these:
Or these:
I got cancer, what the hell. I hold myself to only 3 cookies. I don't have to. I just do
(The Berger cookies are native to Bawlmer. They are really just plain Jane shortbread cookies that are a vehicle to the fudge.)
We moved to a new house the day before my 3rd birthday. I have distinct memories of that day. I was three and I got three cookies. I put two and two together... or really two and one, and figured I was a big boy a whole three years old that was why I was getting three whole cookies now.
When my fourth birthday rolled around, I still retained that logic and was looking forward to getting FOUR cookies for the next year. My parents disabused me of that notion. I was sorely disappointed.
Then it was Oreos, Fig Newtons, or homemade stuff. Mom whipped up fork crushed peanut butter cooking quicklike.
Our house guests brought cookies last night. A big box of a variety of homemade cookies and fudge. I managed to actually get one before BR ate the rest!