Tuesday, March 29, 2022


They were mild the first 45 years of life.

They get worse every year now.  A SInus headeache on the right temple and behind the right eye that rivals the best migraine. I hate this.  Debilitating.

Claritan and sudafed and tylenol work some.  Coffee too.  

How the hell did this happen?   

I am starting to get used to the pile on.  I can never not have a pressing medical issue.  And its usually 2.  Not since turning 50.  If everything gets fixed and better I'd breaka leg the next day.  


  1. My allergies were horrible last year. I started getting allergy shots, every other day for the last 10 months.

    They are working like magic...

  2. Getting old is not for cowards. Days I wake up with out sinus, aches, or something going on I wonder if I'm alive.

  3. There are 2 different Sudafeds. The one you can buy without hassle is phenylephrine, and the one they lock up "for your own good" is pseudophedrine". One might work better than the other, so try both.

  4. I always have them go to the back to get me the 'good stuff'

  5. Generally, the only real fix for the problem is to move to a different environment. A location that has different plants, which is the biggest problem for those with allergies.

    Might be a problem that can be addressed inside your home or work, though. If you are sensitive to molds, take a look inside and out for signs of water stains. Leaking roofs that let water into the ceiling or walls is somewhat common. Don't forget to take a look at the neighbors property for wet areas. Any new bushes/trees planted close by?

    Changed laundry soap, or other body contact items? Leaking vehicle? Going to new places lately?


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