Sunday, March 13, 2022

I've feel like I've mellowed

The blog used to have more rants.  Paragraphs explaining how 'commies are bad for childrens and other living things.'  And 'all gun control is an infringement and how about them loathsome Fudds?' 

I've said all that, for one thing.  And to go over it again is just repetitive.  Trying to keep things fresh from posts I did 10 years ago, as much as possible.

I can't just rehash the 4 Rules of Gun Safety posts every month.  Unless I can get some novelty out of it.  I can't rail agin' Metrocons because they all morphed into boring old Never Trumpers.  Ho hum.  

The assumption now is "Well of course commies are bad and gun laws are infringements, I don't need to tell ya."

Plus, the illness has taken some wind out of my sails. Slowed me RIGHT down. 

Funny memes get shared and spread on other platforms.  

No one wants to hear about how good 1911s are.  

Makes blogging a bit tougher, but my mellowness has me just going with the flow.  Good ol' inertia!


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