Sunday, March 6, 2022

Tossed like a Caesar Salad

The NY AG's suit to dissolve the NRA.  Judge says don't be silly.

This despite the abject corruption and incompetence displayed by the leadership of America's oldest civil rights organization.  Their worry about avoiding jail has adversely impacted their ability to respond to attacks by Gun-Banner on the Second from that angle.  While Gropey Joe opens up new attacks on the natural right by going after PLCAA.  Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act.  Trying to treat gunmakers, in the courts, like they did tobacco companies.  You know, Joey Applesauce, them companies DO make guns for the military and police, too.  Do you really want to put them out of business?  

And as for Caesar Salads.  You want me to believe an Italian guy that's been dead for over 70 years made that salad?

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