Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back from the FUN Show!

Ok, ammo is MUCH cheaper at the Fun Show compared to my local gun store. And I went a little overboard...

Got a coupla cans of pistol ammo. Yeah. Cans. As in hundreds of loose cartridges. I'm ok for range ammo for a while. Oh, and a battle pack of South African 7.62x51 followed me home, too. I've always had good luck with that. You know. For plinking. And a very nice lensatic compass. If it's real, and it seems to be, it's a NATO quality land nav compass that retails north of $150. It was $25

I looked at M1 Carbines, but saw none worth getting at less than $800. If I have to pay that I might as well buy a Mini-14 for my lightweight carbine and shoot ammo that is easier to find. I'd pay a lot LESS than that for a Mini-14, actually. A decent M1 Carbine is gonna have to be around $300 to tempt me, at this point.

Now I'm gonna go rethink my Master List...

But now I have plenty of ammo for range time throughout the next year, and enough for an intense training session.

Oh, and I'd re-organized the 'gun room.'

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