Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Range Notice

My indoor range, OnTarget sent out a mailer.  They are also a gunstore and they want to remind customers that the law is changing soon so get a gun now.  We still don't know what the new laws mean.  They were confusing before this most recent legislative fever seizure.  Money quote:

"This new law is so complex that NO ONE seems to be able to fully figure out how it will impact the 2nd Amendment rights of the gun buying public."

I kinda do.  Instead of buying any mag bigger than 20 at the gun show, I now have to buy any mag bigger than 10 at the gun show.  In Virginia.  Dunno what this means if I want another AR or M1A.  The assaulty looking stuff.  We will have to see.  The training reqs and fingerprinting won't apply to me.  I have a DD214 and I have already purchased a pistol in Maryland. So I can buy all the 1911's, revolvers, and Elsie Pees I want. There is a question of whether I could buy a pedestrian Glock 17, or S&W 9mm, or Beretta 92 (made in Maryland!) after Oct 1...


  1. From what I understand, NOT with a standard capacity magazine...

  2. The gunstores aren't sure. Since guns come with a magazine, they might be considered to be on the Maryland no-sale list now. The law is not clear.

  3. Well...I *think* I'll still be good on the Rem 700 I want to pick up, so I'm not rushing out for that just yet.


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