Wednesday, July 31, 2019


Gawd, I love those machines.

My great grandfather was a linotype machinist.  I wish I could have hanged out with him while he worked.

Monday, July 29, 2019

In Another Life

I would have wanted to do this for 50 years.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gritty Chase Scene

That looks like R. Lee Ermey in one of the chase cars.  Well, his eyebrows.

Never seen this movie.

Lileks would be all over finding this town on Google Maps.  Thing is, it isn't a major familiar city, and it's all gritty and stuff.  Hard to discern major landmarks like famous theaters or whatnot.   Next step is to freeze frame on street signs, especially cross streets.  Narrow the film archaeology down that way.

It's mostly American cars, but I get a feeling this is a furren locale...   I felt Italy or Spain initially, but...  American cars.  Is that Italian they are talking?  The one way signs are wrong for the USA.  Even for 1971 or 2.

Rue Paree - Detour sign?  FRENCH!  Montreal, mebbe?  Bilingual signs and American iron but San Fran style hills, so not Nawlins.  Continue...

See THIS scene would tell the story.  Lileks would have a map of this interchange from this:

One way to the Pont Champlain bridge, the other to Downtown.  Montreal confirmed.  Does that neon sign say some version of Farine Five Roses?

So, in that scene maybe here.  Or in this picture somewhere, sure.

Hey I did it!

Saturday, July 27, 2019

I love these old ads

From gun magazines in the early 60s.  It as more sophisticated and elegant time.

Damn hopheads.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gonna be outta pocket

For a little while.

I have prepped some post.  They won't be topical.  But lately my quality has suffered anyway.  Maybe you won't notice the difference.

Thursday, July 25, 2019


People try to convince me that Catastrophic Anthropogenic Greenhouse Climate Change is consensus science, but don't know what a falsifiable hypothesis is.  Or care.  It's pretty basic.

And they disregard acres of massaged and falsified dataIgnoring such fraud ever happened

It's not science.  It's Lysenkoism. 

You have a lot to overcome to gain my trust about your word on the subject, so-called 'experts.'

Einstein said you could discard his WHOLE THEORY if you could measure gravitic lensing in the coming solar eclipse and find the measurement don't match his math. 

In an instant of calculation he could be safely ignored.  If his prediction of the calculations came up like he said then more study would be required and his theory would hold valid until it passed the next test.  It was falsifiable. 

It wasn't like Freud or Marxism where they twist facts to suit theories rather than theories to suit facts.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019


That was a 22nd of July Range Day. Not 21.

My brain is so fried.

Reading some Ambrose Bierce stories.  Of course we saw a movie of one of his stories back in grammar school.  It was done in France, I think.  But there is no dialogue.  An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge.  Maybe you remember it.

Wait. It's got Rod Serling.

But wait, again! "This film was made as a school project at BKF, University of Applied Sciences, Budapest."

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

July 21 Range

Five cylinders worth.

What was I thinking getting Magtech?  Remind me to lay off that brand.  It's fine, I guess.  A bit smokey. 

Ok, I've color coded.

All at 25 feet.

First cylinder, no dry fire, is Red.  Not bad.  THEN some dry fire.

I compensated for second cylinder too much:  Yellow.  A bit high. 

Green is next.  I notice I am hitting to the left.  But less high.  All three rounds were very fast shooting.  I need to not do that.  2.  Then wait.  2 more.  WAIT.  Final.  Don't train myself to fire to click click click click.

I compensated EVEN MORE for the leaning to the left and miss twice with Pink.  Boo.  Don't do that. 

So, I relax, and try to remember on a J-Frame that that front sight has to be nestled well in that trench and you still have to do the job with the finger.  There you go.  Blue. 

New camera, too. 

Monday, July 22, 2019

I'm not judging but...

At least it is a form of retention holster.


From all the heat this past weekend.  And work the week before.   But the temp should have broken today.  I think I'll pack a revolver and just take that to the range.

I never practice enough with the revolver.  But when I do, I tend to still keep in on center mass.  Which pleases me to no end.  But really, it's just excuses for not practicing enough.  "How much practice do you think you need, T-Bolt?"  More.  Always more.

It's not conducive to improving my fine trigger skills like a 1911 is.  For one thing, it's a model 640.  I can't practice single action with it.  And you people that shoot revolvers know that the trigger pull in comparison to SA or striker triggers is a whole nother animal.

I think my practice ammo stocks of all flavors is a bit low.  I need to inventory and maybe make a purchase. 

Sunday, July 21, 2019

June was the warmest month EVER

No it wasn't.  That is fake news.  They fake the data, and conveniently forget historical information.  Borepatch with tell ya.

Too hot to shoot folks

Yet, they are.

This one is south of the District.  Halfway between DC and Fredericksburg.  Horrible rush hour traffic down that way.  Near Quantico, for you Marine types, close to the museum.

Remember this is just today.  There was some shooting in northeast and southeast DC earlier in the weekend.  Those sounded pharmaceutically related.

You Don't Hear About These

So much, round here.  When self defense happens it should make then news.

So, someone drunk or high, I'd wager, maybe crazed by the heat, bangs on the wrong door and eventually bangs his way in, despite warnings, and catches a shot.  More info when they learn it.

Now Woodbine in north of interstate 70.  It starts to get less suburban and more rural.  That part of Maryland is sometimes referred to as 'almost Pennsylvania'.

You are in rifle hunting country, standing in Woodbine, but that county line that separates Howard (shotgun slugs for deer) and Carroll (rifle allowed) is right there.   That's how rural that area is. 

East of Woodbine, in Charm City, the City that Reads, lovely downtown Bloodymore, 9 shot, 2 fatally.  It's way too hot for those kind of shenanigans.  I don't go to the city anymore.  Last time was 8 years ago on my birthday.  Also saw a Roller Derby down there. 

I wonder how many Defensive Gun Uses happen in Maryland and don't get reported because no one died.  Or get reported as something else until the dust settles. "A man shot to death another man on the 400 block of Blaumenshire Street today," and later it turns out to be justified.


It's hot.

But I find myself having a hard time noting the difference between 94 and 101.

I'd like to go back 106 years and try out what 134 felt like.  Where there was no AC, and no shade not built.  I'd only want to try it out for 15 minutes or so....  then zoom back to the house in 2019 where my AC is.

The Range has no AC in the range itself.  No thank you.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Spoke too soon.

Even BUSIER day yesterday. Jinxed myself

Haven't even had time to read headlines til near dark.

Trump partied with cheerleaders and Epstein was around?  This is awful.  Lemme look.


The media source made me think High School cheerleaders.  It was NFL cheerleaders.  IOne this is awful though.  Those eyebrows.

Other than that?  What's the big deal? Whole lotta nuthin.

C'mon. Trump does bad things. Why not bring those things up. Why bring up neutral-to-good things? It's not like he is Bill Clinton, here. Or Gropey Joe Biden.


The App I always wanted to get when I got a real cell phone was one of them Star Gazer apps. So I can ID stars in the sky and know when satellites are flying over. Got it. StarWalk2. Might get a plane traffic app, too. Recommendation for the plane tracker?

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Erry boday on my team at work has been on vacation.  One comes back tomorrow.

So I have been on my own at work, doing the jobs of four people.  So lonely.  And busier than a one-armed paper hanger in an ass kicking contest.  Assuming I was also missing a leg.  And had a lot of wallpaper hanging to do. 

Not an excuse for the poor blogging, just an explanation.

Hey, that reminds me of that radio Pentecostal that signed off with "not a sermon, just a thought."  Remember that guy?  I think he may be local.  He'd have to be to penetrate my listening preference, I do not seek out religious radio programming.  I think this is him.  I did appreciate his brevity.

Also,  Delenda Est LaPierre.  After he is removed his office needs to be trashed and the plush pile carpet salted so nothing can ever grown in there again.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019


You cruise along for 3 weeks with plenty of blog fodder then these droughts come along.


Why's it got to be shifting Overton windows and marginalizing Commies in the news?  No good news out of NRA?  No big gun cases progressing nicely?


Some of my work buddies troll me.  Tell me they are gonna get a Taurus Judge for a first pistol.


I wonder if there was some big turnover at one of our news stations, WTOP.  They went from relatively neutral to noticeably lean progressive in only a couple months, it seems.  Then they got themselves wrapped around their own axle, yesterday.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Because there are two types of Americans

Americans that want to tell others how to live, and Americans that want to be left alone to live their own life. Always have been. It's what people came here for. Yes, both those things.

Your's Truly

Been listening to Your's Truly, Johnny Dollar.

The last one, he was working for Dick Porter on the Shepherd Matter.  Doctor Shepherd was buying up life insurance, suspiciously.   And was worried about a threat on his life.  When he first met Johnny he had a .32 Automatic on him.  Dollar recognized it immediately.  Later, he IDs it further.  Colt.

Could it be?  Yours and mines favorite pre-1960 detective drama pocket pistol?  The Pocket Hammerless?  Ha!  Love that model.

Johnny could ALSO see at a glance that the safety was off.  Sharp eyes, that. Maybe too sharp...  And when he enjoined the good doctor to re-engage the safety, it made an aubible click.  Well, you gotta show something on the radio, so to speak. It helps keep the listeners engaged and paying off that expense report.

Monday, July 15, 2019

As the French say...

Le Monday, Bupkis, tout suite, si vous plait

Sorry, got very little...  Hmmm....

Ok, Trump is shaping the battlespace.  He just made the Democrat party and Democrat president candidate rally around the 'squad' they had been internecine fighting against.  The squad that is wildly unpopular to a supermajority of American voters.  And you know, I don't think the president planned it that way, though he may have.  This seems like his standard knee jerk reaction that comes from a natural internal instinct.  But if he can keep the Democrats painted into an unpopular corner, alternatively defending unpopular young Turks and battling for the soul of the party with same...  it'll make it easier to beat them in many contests.  Plus these young Turks have been accusing EVERYONE of racism.  Trump, of course.  But also Pelosi is racist and maybe even the Congressional Black Caucus is racist.  And if all those people are racist together, then, no one is.

And this didn't happen in a vacuum.  The day before peeps ran up a Mexican flag in place of the American one at an ICE facility.  I figure that was what got angry Trump to react the impolitic way he did.  I know that got me angry.

Ugh, Trump. Not very gunnie related.  And I always feel a little bit sticky after talking about him.  I still can't believe he is president, but yet I cannot look away.  He is... horri-wonderful?

Speaking of presidential politics, I predict Biden fades and Harris gets the nom.  If not Harris, Warren.  And I got a bet with work buddies on that.  The Biden fade part, at least.  Gunnie related: candidate Kamala Harris thinks too many black men have guns and intends to do something about that.

Seems kinda... racist.  But see the first point, by the election no one will be racist.

Hey, that turned into a decent sized post.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


This belt sander is ADORABLE and gives me a case of the Wants.

Another ad, that went unblocked.

Looks like they get belts from powerer jobs like these

That table is adjustable.  I'm thinking it would be a great little sander for a mini-lathe, sharpening the HSS bits or drill bits.  Other duties. 

And, being a gunnie, I think of how quickly that thing could ruin gun parts.  Prolly faster than a Dremel even.

Seriously, in some gunsmith applications it would be great. Don't go nuts with precision stuff, no.  And I am having a hard time thinking of an application this belt sander would do that a regular belt sander could not.  If your shop has no room for something bigger, this might be a way to go.   

Saturday, July 13, 2019


This guy looks like JayGNeal Stephenson.

I saw that former blogger not too long ago.  He and his family are doing well.  You can still catch him on the SQRLRPT

People recommend I check out Neal's Diamond Age?  Any good?

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Range 8 July

Hmph.  Heeling.  With a few spots of doing it right.  Despite the poor performance I felt I knew what I was doing wrong and could fix it, but maybe not that day.  Stopped after 29 shots of AE 230 gr to keep from reinforcing failure.

No malfs.

  1. Crap, 3 big heels
  2. A spark of semi confidence
  3. Wheels getting loose
  4. And there they go.  Pack it in.

Good trigger pull is the key.  Why are some sessions just flinchier than others?  Hmmm.  The range was a bit more crowded than usual.  That can't help.

2019 has been a bad year for me

I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century, finally.

First, a car made this Century.  It's got a black box and everything.

I got an EZPass.  More tracking my movements.

The electric company upgraded my meter from analog to digital despite my opting out of that.

My land line was upgraded to fiber.  This means when the power goes out, so does that phone.

And I just got my first cell phone.  Might as well, they got me every other which way.

I just want to go back to 1966 levels, but with desktop computers and the internet we have now.  THAT'S IT.  That would suit me fine.

Wait, did they still make a Powerwagon in 1966?  Well, sorta.  No matter, I'll just have to suffer with a Bonneville.  Maybe a Marathon for commuting.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Things that are fake

Everyone lies to you. Everything is fake. And this is only this week. It's getting to the point where you have to assume most everything is projection or the opposite. If your mom says she loves you, don't take it at face value, check it out, thoroughly.

Oh nice

If Governor I-was-only-a Klansman-at-Med-School can do some political grandstanding calling for a special session, the legislature can grandstand right back and adjourn that special session til November.  Good work.

No was talking about the only policy that might actually cut down on the damage if some copies the Virginia Beach shooter.  ALLOW folks to CCW inside municipal buildings.  The gun free zone prevented at least one known defensive weapon from being on the scene before the murderer began his spree.  

Instead, crazily, the Gun Grabbing Democrats wanted to make MORE victim disarmament zones.  

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Oh no!

James Lilek's dad died.  His dad was 94 and the death was unexpected.  Yes, unexpected.  Lileks invented web pages you didn't mind reading.  His dad was in the oil bidness.

The NRA is messed up

But whatcha bet when it comes time to vote next year there will the standard few to bupkis info available about who on the slate of candidates is for reform or agin it or in the pocket of so and so...

I don't know those people, mostly.  I need someone I know and trust that DOES know those people to go on record make some endorsements or talk extensively about that they are like. 

"Joe Schmoe is Wayne LaPierre's best friend, and is loyal to a fault."

"Sandy Smoo has always hated Wayne LaPierre and has been angling to dump him since 2003"

"Freddy Finley is kinda neutral.  He kinda like Wayne, but thinks Wayne, sometimes through no fault of his own, has become radioactive and should step down for the good of the org.  The purpose of which, according to Freddy, is to promote duck hunting"

"Franny Frinkle is true neutral.  Her biggest pet project is expanding CCW rights and carrying, and her work on the board is single minded in this pursuit.  Keep Wayne or dump Wayne, either way you gotta convice Franny which way leads to more CCW"

I like Franny.  Heck all those fictional board members are ok if they work for the good of the NRA's greater membership. 


I'm still wishing for a source of information I don't know how to secure myself and don't expect will be forthcoming no matter how much I beg those in the know

Monday, July 8, 2019


Oversimplified is a good youtube channel.

Sometimes, when I watch, I go, 'Hey, that is way oversimplified!' and I know I have a decent background on that historical subject.  But if I watch a video and don't say that, the entire video, that means I need to brush up the China's Three Kingdoms if I want to be well versed in it.  I missed something. The details of an oversimplified part. ANd if it is interesting I want to know more.

Well, that was oversimplified...

Sunday, July 7, 2019


This year I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

I was living a 20th Century life until this year.

It only took 19 years.

My car is modern.  I communicates with the mothership without my input and has a black box.  I got an EZPass, too.

My two strand landline is not fiber, with a funny box in the basement.  It won't work in a blackout.

And I just got a smart phone for the first time.  Lemme tell you, it is easier and faster to buy a car than to buy a phone.  Still haven't figured out how that all works.  Like, I dunno how they are gonna bill me.  But I tell you one thing.  I am paying the first bill with a check.

But it's been a banner year.  The Eye of Sauron is upon me.  Oh it was on me before.  It just had to use unusual means to watch.  Preverts.

Saturday, July 6, 2019


Really expensive CCW friendly khakis.

Well, they aren't utilikilt expensive.  Have you seen those? $200 buck for that?!  A simple manskirt costs more than fancy denim pants I could wear to a Texas wedding?  Phew.  I'm not usually afraid of paying for quaility, but this kilt thing...  (also, RIP American Woolrich)

Anyway, the internet thinks I need to see lots of ads for them Stryker britches with a nice pocket designed for better pocket carry.

I do like the retention features.  You could take a tumble down a hillside into a creek and get up and keep running and your j-frame would still be where you left it.  And on the thigh, there is easier access when sitting in your vehicle.  These features make it a bit slower, but life is tradeoffs.

I have carried in the 'grenade pocket' of the military style BDU pants.  I don't like that position.  I'd have to get used to weight over there.  My sciatica is also RIGHT there, so that's also annoying.  I imagine this Stryker thing would feel similar.

Most of my long pant have deep enough pockets that pocket carry in a regular pants pocket works fine.

But that short pants version has a bit more appeal.

So this advertisement isn't totally effective.  It didn't make me slap the plastic down and order it to be shipped to me.  It got me to look at it.  There is a long lead time to get one shipped.  If I really liked it, I'd get more and there are volume discounts to get your short pants price down from MSRP of $90.  By the time I got the shorts delivered it would be fall. Almost winter.  The long delay probably means they order an Asian factory to make a run, and I have less and less lucky with consistent sizing from Asian mills.  (I assume Asia, too, because if they were made in America they'd crow about it.)  So, not quite there.  But it got me to talk about here.  The pants do look well though out.

I wouldn't use it for anything but a pocket carry sized gun, personally.  I want service size pistols in a holster on a belt.  But a decent holster costs as much as this pant.  And a belt to hang it on costs as much as this pant.  So why am I complaining about pant prices?

Friday, July 5, 2019


The United Arab Emirates?  More Patriotic and American-loving than many Democrats?  Maybe.

Ya know...

Just because crazy people tell you the Betsy Ross flag is used by some KKK-Nazi types doesn't mean they do.  They trollin you.

And in the end, that is like 30 dudes, tops, so if they did use that flag you can sort of drown out their symbolism with your own.


Also, I don't like being lectured do about how horrible slavery in North America was 150+ years ago (and it was), and how people suffered so (and they did), by a guy that is currently and unironically a Marxist and a Socialist.  That's like Charles Manson lecturing a shoplifter for violating the morays mores of society.  (Yes, shoplifting is bad.  Never shoplift.  That is someone else's property.  Also don't murder 94 millions)


Also, you work for Nike and you are going to lecture other people about slavery?


I like the old 18th Century American flag.  It reminds me of the great experiment that this country is, and how much good we've done for the world just by existing.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Go forwards from there.

All are created equal. They are endowed with inalienable rights. Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.  Governments protect these three things.

Never go backwards from there. 

16 Year Olds

What did the British think?

"The Militia Laws should be repealed and none suffered to be re-enacted, the Arms of all the People should be taken away, & every piece of Ordnance removed into the King’s Stores, nor should any Foundry or manufactory of Arms, Gunpowder, or Warlike Stores, be ever suffered in America, nor should any Gunpowder, Lead, Arms or Ordnance be imported into it without License: they will have but little need of such things for the future, as the King's Troops, Ships & Forts will be sufficient to protect them from any danger."

Well, screw that noise.

Still got nuffin, have some Canadian fireworks

Since we are gonna be keeping the neighbors to the north awake tonite anyway...

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Now I Got Nuffin

Was a pretty good run before this fuel tank of blogaroo juice ran down to E.


I got a phone.  A flip phone wasn't doing it.  I wanted to be able to breakdown in the middle of nowhere and not have to rely on others for help.  Like the last two time.  For that I need a web search for tow trucks and an uber to get home from the repair shop that guy would drop me at.  Maybe contact my former gunsmith who only communicate with the world through phone texting my IPad isn't allowed to do somehow.  And other minor incidental.

It was easier buying a car that it was buying a phone. Booo.


FINALLY, fake Glowball Warmening has a positive impact on the world. It hurts the Grass Hockey.

Never been a fan of soccer, even when I played it. Or band, after that. If I could do life over again there would another sport besides soccer, less years in high school foreign languages, and no band.

Ban soccer for the environment!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019


This stuff is like pornography for Old Tool guys like myself.  No one tell RobertaX.

50 bucks for a handsaw in the middle of the Depression.

Why yes.  That's a professional tool.  Workmen would buy one to work 10 hour days.  It has to be good.  Tapered in two directions.  Comfortable handle.  It'd be like a carpenter today spending $900 on a DeWalt or Skilsaw.

But I am deep diving into 1920s era machine tools mayself...  Getting my micrometer on

Monday, July 1, 2019

Helmet For My Pillow

One thing I like about living in the future....  You can be reading about an account of Marines landing on Guadalcanal's Red Beach on your Kindle, wonder where that is, and on the same device, different app, look up the battle maps and modern day pictures.  Amazing.  In the 80s I'd have had to get up, go downstairs, open up a World Book, letter G, and read the account in the encyclopedia, which was never enough detail.   (and I had been composing this post for a while, and Tam comes out and notices similar stuff about reading these days, right in the middle of my train of thought.  Middle, well, actually, her insight beat me by SIX YEARS.)

Leckie is famous because he was in The Pacific.  And he wrote this.  Helmet for a Pillow.  He was a writer before the war, so he ain't shabby at stringing words together.

The narrative is all about him and the 3 or 4 enlisted Marines near him at the time.  Leadership is mostly absent or hapless.  And the Marines are hapless at soldiering at the beginning.  Not like the Marines of today.  Whom I'd think would have a lot more training before landing on an enemy beach.

But Leckie left stuff out though.  The narrative goes from swilling beer and walking around at Camp LeJuene, to the landing.  And I know there was at least one practice landing in New Zealand before that.  But a book can only be so long.  Obiously, he trained.  He lands on Guadalcanal and knows most everything about operating a heavy machine gun and does so.  Training is implied. 

It's one man's personal account.  He's not gonna speak to big concepts and capital T truth much beyond that, but there is plenty to mine in another man's experience.  He's also froofing it up a bit, making is a war story, not a documentary.  As most war account do.  And like I said, he does it pretty well. 

A big reason I am reading if for later chapters about Peleliu.  Though he isn't going to pick out my grandfather for me.

He does sorta pick out his Regimental Commander.  Well likes, but the Skipper's nickname is Colonel Five by Five.   Because he is that tall and that wide.  Colonel James W. Webb?  Can't find a picture of him... Wait. Clifton Cates?  Marine division/battalion/regiment nomenclature always gets me.  Leckie was 2/1, as the convention goes.  H company, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.