Sunday, December 20, 2020

Before Surgery

 You have to get a Covid test.  It isn't for me, to be sure I don't have the added burden of a nasty virus while also recovering from surgery.  No, it's to sure I don't give the brain surgeon and the surgical staff the bug, knocking that avenue of treatment for other patients out of action. 

And that's fine.  Good.  

And then don't go out.  I'm on lockdown.  Awesome, no work.

I do have to say, they sent me to what they described as one of the better testing joints.  An urgent care center that just does this now.  More out of the way, less foot traffic.  But I have to say the place made me squick.  Of all the place I've been to in the past year THAT one felt the 'dirtiest'.  The biggest risk of covid was inside that place.  They did all the precautions, but it still didn't feel very clean. I touched nothing I didn't have to and used the hand sanitizer six different times in there.   Yuck.

The swabs up the nose wasn't as bad as people told me.  It was fine.  No problem.  Don't be afraid of that.  


  1. It's a different world now. The covids are frightening everyone.

    Restaurants have alternate tables blocked off.

    Signs say, "We sterilize everything between each patron."

    But if you go to a restaurant, everything seems dirtier. It's like they're not really doing what they say they're doing. Odd.

  2. They did my Covid test by drive-thru. Pull up, get swabbed, pull away.


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