Sorry about the late report. I meant to have this out by Tuesday, but crap got in the way of the picture taking. Alternately, I hope to see Saucy Trollop on Saturday for some buddy-buddy range time action. Aw, yeah... The fire may be extinguished, but we still have OnTarget range time. How many of YOU can say that? "I operate firearms around my ex. While she operates her own firearm. And we hardly ever shoot at each other."
I gotta trust my elevation setting from the previous session. There was a REASON it was set at 14 clicks and not the presumed 9.
Hold type is also important to remember. When I shot initially I was holding lollipop. Partly because I forgot that that was not my preference, but also partly to see where the shots hit. They hit low. The rest of the session was adjusting my hold to bisect the circle and getting my elevation set back.
If a deer appears within 25 yards, it is toast.

At 50, it’s still toast (there is some .22 in there).

Initially at 100 yards, that deer has a chance. Some of these were OFF the paper and below.

But that chance went down quite a bit after some practice. And I am less embarrassed.

And the final 6 shot are circled, and they went off in pairs, the ones at 12 o'clock first, then the left 2 and then the right 2. There is a mix of early and late shots on this target.

And I'm happy it shoots a little high at 100 and on at 25. It means I'm probably on bull at 200 or so. My skill is approaching volley-fire anyway at ranges much more than that, without more practice. Practice is the remedy. If I want to hit anything I can see. I could 'see' better with a scope, but shooting better is a matter of trigger time at the rifle range. About the only skill I've honed at pistols that helps at the rifle range is concentration, especially on breath and trigger control.
Of course, I didn’t try any actual hunting ammo. This is all shooting with South African milsurp. That will be the next course of action. Actually BUYING some primo hunting ammo and testing THAT. Probably should get something in the 150 grain range, a similar weight as this milsurp (147gr). An excuse to shop at Bass Pro. Maybe get some long johns, too.
Another thing… People that hunt with iron sights at targets 100+ yards away? These people are pretty good at shooting, I’ve come to appreciate them and that skill. And I mean when they shoot and hit the vitals, not merely hit somewhere. I can see a groundhog 100 yards away… Can I hit it? Maybe. Every time? Maybe. I’d want more practice…
Which means I need to expend more rifle ammo at the range. Get THAT habit a rolling. THIS is why I want property in the country. An acre would be more than enough, as long as the property was only 40 feet wide.
I did have an old epiphany. The elevation knob for Garand, M1As etc can be adjusted one you are happy with the number of clicks. The 'book' tells you to set it on '2' I always wondered by 2 and not '0' for your zero. Now I sorta know. You want to be on zero at 200 yards, and that mean your are a wee bit high at 100, a wee bit low at 300, and doing relatively fine and expedient for the whole gambit from 300 down. I finally put two and two together on this concept recently. I know. I'm a slowhead.
I did have an old epiphany. The elevation knob for Garand, M1As etc can be adjusted one you are happy with the number of clicks. The 'book' tells you to set it on '2' I always wondered by 2 and not '0' for your zero. Now I sorta know. You want to be on zero at 200 yards, and that mean your are a wee bit high at 100, a wee bit low at 300, and doing relatively fine and expedient for the whole gambit from 300 down. I finally put two and two together on this concept recently. I know. I'm a slowhead.
Also, I tested a 5 round magazine, and one of my 20 round magazines failed. Setting it aside to permanently mark it so I will never use it again. It's problem? Wouldn't push the next round up into place at the feed lips so the cycling bold wouldn't grab it. A bang on the bottom of the magazine might get it up, or might not. Regardless, if you DID get the next round to feed, the round after it ALSO didn't pop up high enough.
It's a pretty simple matter to replace the spring in your magazine. You might wanta buy some extra magazine springs anyway for G.P.
At the cost of -14 magazines I wouldn't consign one to the scrap heap until I'd done my damndest to fix it.
I got spare springs left over from a previous outing, but I need to test the fix on those first to be sure it's worth it.
And stick to real USGI mags--no aftermarket knock-offs.
You got a source for "real USGI mags"? THIS one was a "real USGI mag".
Unless I take if from a US Military armory warehouse... I don't trust any source.
Sadly I don't. I bought most of mine up back in the 1980's when you could still get 'em for $5.00 each. I wish I'd bought a lot more, though. We never saw this scarcity coming back then.
They are out there. Best bet is cruise the gun shows or go to Camp Perry during the Nationals. Look for a real welded-on rear lug and the makers' codes.
Oh--the Taiwanese ones are generally ok, but they're scarce now too.
Good luck.
Here's a seller that you might want to try.
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