Yet ANOTHER co-worker. Let's call him Dipstick (not meant in a way that makes fun of perceived lesser intellect, mind you. he comes by the nickname from another route. let's leave it at that...).
He is going through a divorce. His soon to be ex is shacking up with a former Marine. Which is normally fine but this one is a little on the "scary, mind-poisoned by the ex, perhaps violent" side of the former Marine spectrum.
The ex hasn't gotten her stuff out of Dipstick's house, so there is tension involved with a possible meetup of all 3 people simultaneously.
So his question is, "I can buy a gun now that that Maryland court case went through and get my CCW in an afternoon, now, right?"
Sadly, no. You'd need a good and substantial reason, still, and that would require police reports. If the Marine gives you a beat down a few times that should do it. Call 911 after each beating! It will still take 90 days or so for the CCW.
Getting a pistol also takes a week.
"I'm not allowed to have a pistol at the parking lot of my work. What if I drive home and they are standing in my driveway, and me without a gun on my property,
they between
me and
it! I'm BONED!"
Well, you are in a vehicle. It's an excellent means of evasion, being able to drive 80 mph or more. Faster than
most angry Marines can run. It is also a 2 ton conveyance with a lot of momentum.... Look, Dipstick... The pistol you don't have or would be trapped in your house is not the weapon. The car you are driving is not the weapon. The weapon is between your ears.
Besides, Marines are cuddly. And if he wanted to commit 1st degree murder on your sorry self then you'd probably never feel a thing.
And maybe, just maybe, the throes of a divorce is not the time to turn ones thoughts toward firearms. Just a thought. It's certainly his right to purchase a firearm at any damn time he pleases. But it's like he has a problem in mind and thinks possessing the item solves it. It's more complicated than that.
I am pretty confident he is gonna pre-emptively spend that money on a good lawyer instead.