I actually saw a Maryland license plate on my commute this morning that said "NOOBAMA."
It was a Crown Vic, with no other stickers on it.
This state is 66% Democrat. And the GOP types are to the west and on the Eastern Shore. Between Baltimore and DC it is probably 75% Democrat. And a big employer in the DC region is, obviously, the federal gummint. It's a Company Town.
I don't remember THIS much hostility for that idjit Carter ~spit!~
I think the President's numbers may be worse than the polls and MSM suggests. Poor guy. What do you think he'll do to occupy his time in 2013?
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I figure that he will need a lot of cheese for all the Whine you will hear after this coming November, much less what will happen in 2013....
Cool! That'd be much better than sticking his nose into things like Carter does. If he had stuck to carpentry and kept his mouth shut Carter would almost be bearable.
But Obama owning a running a specialty dairy in southern Wisconsin, NW Illinois? Specialty breeds, brass fed, making artisanal cheeses. Honest labor. Up at o'dark thirty. In touch with the vagaries of the seasons...
Dairy farmers can't take vacations though. But he's getting a lifetime's worth of those taken care of now.
I'd respect Obama a bunch more when his hands have proper calluses.
I'm starting to think the rumors I've heard about Ă˜bama *wanting* a GOP rout this year are true.
Let's face it: His party has held the reins of the House and Senate for four years now. The economy has tanked, unemployment is in double digits, inflation is poking its head around the corner, and what's Barry's response?
"It's Bush's fault"
Well, that excuse is already two years past its expiration date. If he can't turn things around in short order, he *will* be out in 2012.
UNLESS he can blame a GOP House and/or Senate for "obstructing" his grand plan - like Clinton did in 1996.
Of course, if the Stupid Party nominates another Dole (*cough* Romney) he may not have to do anything...
O will vacation in what ever third world country he has funneled all the "stimulus" money to.
Or his EGO will be so bruised he'll try for a Power Grab to keep his Commie Agenda running. Never count a Marxist out until you can verify the body is really dead.
i'm shocked that plate got approved. the MVA likes to decline custom plates frequently, even if those plate ideas aren't in use.
man you 'people' are clueless. Eisenhower is dead and most of you never live in the 50s for real. Way do you always want to go back to the bad old days?
Interesting. An anonymous coward refers to us in a back handed manner as some kind of sub-human, and then steals a base with a straw man pushing the mistaken assumption that we all long for the Eisenhower era. And with a typing-skill/grammar-fail worse than mine (and mine is pretty bad)...
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