Monday, February 1, 2021

UN isn't coming

To take away your guns.  No one is calling for that...



New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Some people originally thought that that guy with the segregation flag was from Calgary. They go the ID wrong.

riverrider said...

segregation flag? please.....un ddr? different kind of "please". as in bring it, happy fun time awaits. funny how all these lefties want somebody else to do their work.

ruralcounsel said...

And yet, there was not a gun to be seen in the photo. Talk about merging in an irrelevant topic from left field.

As they say in the courtroom, irrelevant and immaterial.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Yes, river. That flag only came into existence when people started going "ya know, this separate but equal stuff is a little unjust and we should can it."

That flag was first seen as a response to that notion.

B said...

If the UN wasn't afraid of Americans and wanted to be logical, they'd investigate the election...But they want Biden so he can weaken the US a bot more every day....