Sunday, July 6, 2008

1911 in the Newz

So I just happen to be listening to NPR.

What? It's OPFOR Intel! Know yer enemy and all that stuff.

And just as I turn on Studio 360, they start talking about how the US Military has a great advantage because of state of the art technology. But some (Marines) are going to battle with a 100 year old pistol design. The Browning M1911A .45 ACP pistol.

Why are they choosing to go to war with an American Icon? Because it's the best, duh. Even those Long-Hairs at National Public Radio like Kurt Anderson can figure that out. Why can't my buddies? Was it all the plastic
Legos they played with as a kid? Was it the Flouride in the tap water sapping their essence?


"I do not avoid women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence."

Me, too, General. Me, too.

But seriously, I don't listen to NPR, I just HAPPENED to be scanning the stations and ran across this looking for some ROCK. Yeah. Only hippy pinko metrosexuals listen to NPR. Not me. No siree. Never. I didn't even experiement in college. You can't count that one time. I was drunk. I swear.


JB Miller said...

Hey! Are you talking about ME?!?

I have and enjoy Glocks, 1911s and XDs.

Each have their good and bad points.

Details here:


New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

Everybody thinks they are talking about THEM specifically. No JB, I don't think your Purity of Essence is imperilled.