Wednesday, January 16, 2019

But this seem to be Quixotic

As in:  tilting at windmills.

A buddy at work says he is donating to the GOA because they are bring a suit to challenge the NFA.

Why do you need to repeal all or part of the 1934 National Firearms Act?  Like I said, it's step W or X and we are on D.  There are so many more things to do first that will help so many more people.

And actually have a chance of winning.

A Supreme Court made up of 9 Scalia clones wouldn't rule in favor of that kind of repeal now. 

Most voters will never support repealing the machine gun part.  To repeal the suppressor part...  you probably will need a legislative solution to have a hope in heck.  


Aaron said...

Worse than quixotic, it has the potential to be highly damaging.

Assuming it even gets to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court grants cert to hear it, the result can go very badly. Unless GOA knows the Court will find the NFA a violation of the 2nd Amendment, and that's certainly not assured with this current court at this point. The Court can rule the other way and find it constitutional and on top of that issue a decision that opens the door to lots of gun control as a result. Good luck fixing that once such an opinion has been issued.

At this point that suit is a risky gamble and an untimely one, probably more for press and fundraising value than for any real result.

Miguel GFZ said...

They need to show some street cred. Apparently when you ask GOA members what is the last thing the organization got passed in congress or won in court, they are all affected by paralysis of the mouth

McChuck said...

Why not try? Our enemies on the Left shoot for the moon, and then accept less. But sometimes they get the courts to agree, and "Fundamentally transform" America.

The Left doesn't give two shakes of a lamb's tail for "stare decisis" when it goes against them. They keep trying until they win. Like the EU forcing elections to be held until they get the answer they want, and then banning all future votes.

"Rust never sleeps."