Saturday, July 18, 2020

My Flaws in 2 Groups

Sometimes I hit A.  Often with the first round of the magazine.  Before my hand feels a recoil it does the trigger right.  Then it remembers  I wish they all could be like A.

D used to be my default flinch.  Low and right.  Took me forever to get that fixed.  Sometimes it happens tho.  Shoot now! catching the trigger will get D's again.

This set obliged by grouping the two other flaws into groups.

C, I am trying to fix with more finger on the trigger face.  The theory being I am pushing the line right.  Solve that and I'd have more A, right?  Well, sometimes it is better, sometimes not.  But if B and C were on the vertical centerline I could almost live with the elevation problem of some Bs.

B.  Now is B simple?  Is B the 'need more finger' along with 'the bottom of your hand is heeling it just a bit.'  Or is B up there with a whole new type of flinch I do not quite grok?  Dunno.

Lemme concentrate on that finger and other push left items.  Seems a simpler thing to concentrate on.

1 comment:

Will said...

Are you using one eye, or two? If you are already shooting with one eye closed, stick a post-it note or masking tape over that side of your shooting glasses, and see if anything changes. The potential problem is that the closed eye only needs a flash sight of the sights/target to shift the aiming point, if the brain thinks that should be the master eye for this activity.