Sunday, October 10, 2021

The Draft

"Drafting Women is Foolish"

Says the Metrocon Fortnightly.

Maybe, maybe.  But if you act anything like you have recently, you will be perfectly fine with it in 8 or 10 years.  Even a proponent.  All your lines in the sand have an expiration date, National Review, then you roll over and show your belly.  Which is a business model, I guess.  

Since the founding of this country, there has been, what, 40 total years of male military conscription?  A few years for the Civil War, a few for WWI, then 1940 thru 1970ish.  Call it 30 total.  Just draft women from now til 2052 and call it even-Steven. Men volunteer, but women hafta.    Gonna need to re-open some bases, set up fresh barracks.  It'll do the ladies good.   A few years being told what to do and when to do it.  Working hard.  Subject to the UCMJ.  Fresh air, and exercise.  Maybe learn a trade.  

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