Thursday, March 24, 2022


So there has been a EXPLOSION of ghost guns in Baltimore.  Sposebly. 

345 last year, with 12 per in the Oughts.

How many of those 345 are just plain old 1970s (or 1940s) style serial numbers filed off and they just counted it as ghost.  I wouldn't put it past the State constabulary to conflate like that.

Or how many are a Polymer 80 with no work done to it at all.  A bad plastic cudgel.

We only have one confirmed shooting with an actual made ghost gun and that victim didn't die.  That argues for the whole thing being low risk.  If low risk, wouldn't you prefer MORE of them?

So, how will I know if the numbers are real?  Well, I got a guy.  Running for State Delegate.  Got my fingers crossed.   He might have the pull to confirm.

Of the 345, 32 are linked to a shooting or homicide investigation.  What does 'linked' mean?  'Linked' can mean they busted some mope shooting people with a glock and in his stuff was a polymer 80 in the clamshell, untouched.  And it had nothing to do with the crime to hand.  Mebbe.

No matter, the law is passed out of the legislature.  It will soon conference up .  And Larry Hogan, even if he vetos (a big if) will prolly get overridden.   If you made a gun from an unfinished lower you gotta hie to an FFL and get a number etched and on the books or you will stand before the man.  BEFORE it goes into effect.

Unclear if this is only a problem when your Polymer 80 gets turned into 81+ or just having the 80 is enough to burn you.  


ProudHillbilly said...

I left MD because STUPID. But I remain fond of Nino Mangioni and Andy Harris.

Jonathan H said...

A LOT of liberal states are pushing this theme
I have yet to see how many of the guns were home made and how many were Rusty, dirty, or filed on... I think the omission is intentional.
Also, in some cases this effectively outlaws guns that due to manfacturing can't be marked until they are complete.