I don't know about this Sarah Palin VP pick. First, she used to get up at 3 AM to hunt Moose with her father. She did this while still in High School. I am against ALL of it. Getting up at 3AM is bad. Moose are cute, killing them is bad. And I hate High School Kids. It's a hat-trick of badness. And speaking of hat-tricks; she's considered a Hockey Mom. Hockey? Wasn't the NHL disbanded in the early 80's? Does anyone even know the RULES for that game? I thought since global warming melted all the ice rinks that it wasn't even possible to play the hockey matches anymore.
Also, I'm not sure I want a President or Vice President that can shoot better than me. What if she decides she wants to hunt me down in a "World's Dangerous Game" scenario? I'd be a goner. And we already know about Vice Presidential predilection for playing that 'game.' I hear Al Gore has a necklace made of human ears that he DIDN'T collect during Nam, but as trophies while Veep.
Speaking of shooting, there is video out of her shooting an AR-15/M-16 platform rifle. Poodle-shooter, poops-where-it-eats, Mattel Toy Company manufactured rifle? No. Thank. You.
What else is wrong with this Palin pick? Plenty! She's short! She's near-sighted! She's right-handed. All bad bad signs.
She's over qualified. She has more business experience and executive experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined. That's all we need. A know-it-all on the ticket. It ruins the flow, the feng shui if you will. McCain should have picked an abject moron to balance out his opposition's ticket to keep things fair. Too bad Biden was already spoken for.
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7 hours ago
brilliant =)
Great blog, glad I found it!
You have to admit, a woman that could field gut a moose at 3 am wouldn't have any problem standing up to Ted Kennedy.
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