Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Still not feelin’ it.
I am low on blog fodder.
I DID go to the range after a month long absence. Hooboy. Accuracy suffered. I settled into my usual standard after a couple magazines, though. So, as long as any armed robber gives me time to shoot off 20 rounds of practice ammo before our standoff, I’ll be fine.
Maybe I need to just hit the range every week instead?
I’m not the only one that talks about shooting skills having a shelf life and needing to be constantly honed. People much better than me comment on it. So the need for practice and reinforcement may be nigh universal. And that gives me pause when I think about all the police that only practice twice a year.
What helped tighten up my accuracy this range trip? Bending my knees. Yup. Stance. Leaning forward. It helped a lot. The usual, concentration on front sight and trigger squeeze is ever present and vital for good shots. Let that concentration lapse and I get bad shots. Badder. Worser? You know what I mean.
I haven’t discussed my stance in a while. I shoot with a modified weaver. Shooting arm straight, pistol in line with the major bones, thumbs-forward grip as much as possible (I do need to squeeze harder) support arm slightly bent, shooting foot back a little bit maybe one foot length, knees bent, both eyes open. It works for me right now.
I took the SIG with its Double Action Kellerman operating system and the 1911. I used to be better shooting the SIG over the 1911. But that is starting to shift. Even with the extra practice with revolvers the past year. It’s getting to the point where I’d definitely choose the 1911 in a bowling pin shoot. Sure there is the heavier bullet, but that doesn’t matter if you can’t hit the pin at all. Now I can hit the pin more often with the 1911. So I might not come in DEAD last in a field of 20 competitors.
I DID go to the range after a month long absence. Hooboy. Accuracy suffered. I settled into my usual standard after a couple magazines, though. So, as long as any armed robber gives me time to shoot off 20 rounds of practice ammo before our standoff, I’ll be fine.
Maybe I need to just hit the range every week instead?
I’m not the only one that talks about shooting skills having a shelf life and needing to be constantly honed. People much better than me comment on it. So the need for practice and reinforcement may be nigh universal. And that gives me pause when I think about all the police that only practice twice a year.
What helped tighten up my accuracy this range trip? Bending my knees. Yup. Stance. Leaning forward. It helped a lot. The usual, concentration on front sight and trigger squeeze is ever present and vital for good shots. Let that concentration lapse and I get bad shots. Badder. Worser? You know what I mean.
I haven’t discussed my stance in a while. I shoot with a modified weaver. Shooting arm straight, pistol in line with the major bones, thumbs-forward grip as much as possible (I do need to squeeze harder) support arm slightly bent, shooting foot back a little bit maybe one foot length, knees bent, both eyes open. It works for me right now.
I took the SIG with its Double Action Kellerman operating system and the 1911. I used to be better shooting the SIG over the 1911. But that is starting to shift. Even with the extra practice with revolvers the past year. It’s getting to the point where I’d definitely choose the 1911 in a bowling pin shoot. Sure there is the heavier bullet, but that doesn’t matter if you can’t hit the pin at all. Now I can hit the pin more often with the 1911. So I might not come in DEAD last in a field of 20 competitors.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Scouting Out Hunting Spots
Went to MBtGE's house this weekend. From there we ventured to the hunting grounds, looking at fresh stand ideas. Something with more than one game trail. My usual spot had LOTS of paths next to it, but there are better ones. The tree stand location has much better fields of fire, since a lot of trees around it were taken out by the winter snows, and the farmer that lives there got busy with a wood chipper.
Safety tip: Don't touch burlap that's been outside all summer. I was COVERED in chiggers after doing so. Little bastards. I may have gotten them all, but time will tell.
Safety tip: Don't touch burlap that's been outside all summer. I was COVERED in chiggers after doing so. Little bastards. I may have gotten them all, but time will tell.

Sunday, August 29, 2010
Apparently, there is a lot of Camp in this Zombie movie "Survival of the Dead". A buddy recommended it. But he also used the term "Zomedy." I hadn't heard that before, and thought it clever. Zombie Comedy. I guess the epitome of the genre is "Shaun of the Dead."
But most zombie movies have SOME comic relief. Or macabre comic relief.
Update: I actually got to SEE Survival of the Dead last night. Thanks to MBtGE's projection TV. Funny? Meh. I guess. It explored ususally Romero themes. Hicks are the bad guys. Also the futility of blood feuds. And the soliders in the movie must use a Bag of Holding to carry around all the ammo they shoot off.
But most zombie movies have SOME comic relief. Or macabre comic relief.
Update: I actually got to SEE Survival of the Dead last night. Thanks to MBtGE's projection TV. Funny? Meh. I guess. It explored ususally Romero themes. Hicks are the bad guys. Also the futility of blood feuds. And the soliders in the movie must use a Bag of Holding to carry around all the ammo they shoot off.
book review,
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Some People
Some people are luckier than others. For some reason a plethora of people approach them and give the story, “Hey my great uncle died last year at the age of 101. Naw, his heart gave out whilst inflagrente delicto. It’s the way he wanted to go… Anyway we’re trying to get rid of his old .30-30. Do you want it? I’ll take $50 for it.” or “The Missus hates guns and wants me to get rid of this 12 gauge now that there is a baby on the way. Can you take it?”
It’s an odd phenomena. The only one that did that to me was my father and ex father in law. But I know a few people that have picked up a half dozen shootin’ irons that way from half a dozen people. Like they were born under a charmed star, guns just fall into their lap.
You can’t be picky with your firearm selection this way. You want a peep sighted tactical 870 shotgun? Well here is a single-shot 16 gauge.
What would I do with a 16 gauge if one came me way in that manner? I don’t even think I’ve SEEN 16 gauge on the ammo shelf. Nor 10. But if one came to me from that route, out of the blue, you’re darn right I’d take it. Unless they were selling it for some unreasonable price. Or they were a shady character. I can’t think of a gun I’d turn down that came to me from a trusted associate. AND I don’t think I’d turn around and sell it, either. I wouldn’t cheat a trusted associate, either. If they tried to sell me Teddy Roosevelt’s first lever gun for $50 I’d recommend they check with Sotheby’s and get the full $15,000+ for it.
I was thinking of adding another section to my Master List of “Guns I’d Take If They Fell in my Lap” and put stuff on there like a, “a .40, a .380, a 12 gauge,” but I’d take anything. There are a few models I WISH would fall out of the sky on me, but that pretty much matches the rest of the list.
It’s an odd phenomena. The only one that did that to me was my father and ex father in law. But I know a few people that have picked up a half dozen shootin’ irons that way from half a dozen people. Like they were born under a charmed star, guns just fall into their lap.
You can’t be picky with your firearm selection this way. You want a peep sighted tactical 870 shotgun? Well here is a single-shot 16 gauge.
What would I do with a 16 gauge if one came me way in that manner? I don’t even think I’ve SEEN 16 gauge on the ammo shelf. Nor 10. But if one came to me from that route, out of the blue, you’re darn right I’d take it. Unless they were selling it for some unreasonable price. Or they were a shady character. I can’t think of a gun I’d turn down that came to me from a trusted associate. AND I don’t think I’d turn around and sell it, either. I wouldn’t cheat a trusted associate, either. If they tried to sell me Teddy Roosevelt’s first lever gun for $50 I’d recommend they check with Sotheby’s and get the full $15,000+ for it.
I was thinking of adding another section to my Master List of “Guns I’d Take If They Fell in my Lap” and put stuff on there like a, “a .40, a .380, a 12 gauge,” but I’d take anything. There are a few models I WISH would fall out of the sky on me, but that pretty much matches the rest of the list.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Found another training option relatively close by. Practical Firearms Training with Pat Goodale.
Any other suggestions close to DC? This one is probably 4 hours away from me. That's about the upper limit. It might be too far, and I'd have to arrange for a hotel stay.
Anyone take a class with Pat Goodale and can report on it? What little I've heard has been positive, but it is precious little. Any training reports will be appreciated.
I've been dragging my butt getting to my previous trainer. A big reason is it's hot. I'd rather train in January if I have to. Another reason is he's done a lot of contract work overseas and that makes his calendar a little sparse. A final reason is I'm looking for "step two" type pistol training. I've done enough basics, the "step one" stuff, and I know the 4 rules by heart and that that pistol there is a Glock and the bullets come out of THAT end. I don't need more of that review. I'd like to get some training where it is more than a static lane work at an indoor range.
Even with a fuller schedule, you have to reserve a spot pretty early, I find, for anything other than basic classes, if you want to pick the season. For instance, if you want to train in the fall, better sign up the previous January. Unless you are a lucky type.
I've been dragging my butt getting to my previous trainer. A big reason is it's hot. I'd rather train in January if I have to. Another reason is he's done a lot of contract work overseas and that makes his calendar a little sparse. A final reason is I'm looking for "step two" type pistol training. I've done enough basics, the "step one" stuff, and I know the 4 rules by heart and that that pistol there is a Glock and the bullets come out of THAT end. I don't need more of that review. I'd like to get some training where it is more than a static lane work at an indoor range.
Even with a fuller schedule, you have to reserve a spot pretty early, I find, for anything other than basic classes, if you want to pick the season. For instance, if you want to train in the fall, better sign up the previous January. Unless you are a lucky type.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I have a label: "WWTD"
It stands for "What would Tam do?"
It's a bit of a josh. Tam is not Christ, by any stretch. But Tam has given up some good gouge over time, and is a reliable advisor. Frex: I had a jam issue with my 1911. Tam asked if I was loading all 8 possible in a 1911 magazine, and that if I was, that may be the issue. Sure enough, she was right. I load 7 now, and have never had an issue since. Good safety tip.
So now I have a category where I consider the experience and knowledge of someone that has been around the gun world a bit and has a level head on her shoulders. Now if she starts her own religion and want me to wire her money, that may be a different matter. But I don't see her trying that. It's similar to the advice I mine from Jeff Cooper's writings. He proffered up a lot of wisdom, and there are a lot of nuggets in there, but you gotta use your head while you filter out the occasional dross. Tam is like that. There is very little dross. It's like she is conscientious of (for? to? dang grammar...) her readers or something.
It stands for "What would Tam do?"
It's a bit of a josh. Tam is not Christ, by any stretch. But Tam has given up some good gouge over time, and is a reliable advisor. Frex: I had a jam issue with my 1911. Tam asked if I was loading all 8 possible in a 1911 magazine, and that if I was, that may be the issue. Sure enough, she was right. I load 7 now, and have never had an issue since. Good safety tip.
So now I have a category where I consider the experience and knowledge of someone that has been around the gun world a bit and has a level head on her shoulders. Now if she starts her own religion and want me to wire her money, that may be a different matter. But I don't see her trying that. It's similar to the advice I mine from Jeff Cooper's writings. He proffered up a lot of wisdom, and there are a lot of nuggets in there, but you gotta use your head while you filter out the occasional dross. Tam is like that. There is very little dross. It's like she is conscientious of (for? to? dang grammar...) her readers or something.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Adjusting the List
I love my Colt Pocket Hammerless in .380. But I’ve given up on the caliber.
Oh it’s a fine caliber. And I am not selling the wonderful pistol (I am always surprised about how accurate I can shoot it). And if another decent one showed up, I’d get it at the right price, but I am less inclined to pick up any of the plethora of modern .380s. The only one that holds even the slightest glimmer of desire is that Sig P238 ‘mini-1911’. Even that model is too small for my preference. The 1903/1908 is just perfect for my paws, any smaller and I find the pistol less than ideal. Yet I am getting used the the truncated grip on my snubbie... so you never know.
I just don’t have a need for any more .380 pistols. I have a small pistol for ‘small pistol carry’ in the snubby. The Colt Pocket Hammerless is the backup to that if I had to not have the snubbie with me. But what are the chances of that? Another .380 is a backup for the backup (the current 1908 I own) for the backup (the snubbie is a handy carry, but even IT is a backup to a full power semi like the P229 or 1911.)
Gonna adjust the Master List. Not just for the .380 stuff.
So what is the priority on my Get List now that I’ve undergone a bit of sea change and slow down in my boomstick acquisition preference? Well, a .45 carbine still makes me tingle. I’m thinking custom gun for that. With a suppressor. A modern bolt action lefty modified to take 1911 mags and a big ol can. The whole DeLisle concept. Because it is a custom job that will cost me, so it might be a while before something like that gets in the safe.
Another .308 is a very distant thought. Winchester Model 80 or lefty bolt action is also kinda low, but higher than others on the Tertiary List. The Secondary List is low enough priority.
The only other item that interests me enough to raise to Secondary (nothing is really Primary. Primary I'd get before April) is a near-custom 4-ish inch steel Colt Commander type 1911. A good one. Les Baer maybe? Or a true custom lefty 1911. Lots of forged parts (vis MIM). The features would mimic the ones on my government sized model. A safety on the right side, fixed tritium sights, none of that full length guide rod crap. Maybe a melt job to smooth it out. No hurry on this one, also, because of the big costs associated. Perhaps a lefty stripped receiver in the near future and then the slow accumulation of parts for gunsmith assembly. I could do the fitting myself, but I want this pistol to run well.
I’ll shift the 2 to the Secondary list. Maybe a shotgun too. Nothing is in the Primary. And the acquisition of much on the Tertiary list is now exceedingly remote. If I won a lottery I’d buy property to live on with a space for a rifle range. THEN I’d not hesitate to grab every one I’d ever been interested in and shoot a couple thousand rounds a week. Boy that would be fun.
I'm sort of in the place where if a friend came up and said, "I got this old pump 12 gauge the Missus won't let me keep in the house, and do you want to buy it off me?" I'd get the gun, sure, but not many other circumstances will sell me.
I'm better off buying training classes and practice.
Oh it’s a fine caliber. And I am not selling the wonderful pistol (I am always surprised about how accurate I can shoot it). And if another decent one showed up, I’d get it at the right price, but I am less inclined to pick up any of the plethora of modern .380s. The only one that holds even the slightest glimmer of desire is that Sig P238 ‘mini-1911’. Even that model is too small for my preference. The 1903/1908 is just perfect for my paws, any smaller and I find the pistol less than ideal. Yet I am getting used the the truncated grip on my snubbie... so you never know.
I just don’t have a need for any more .380 pistols. I have a small pistol for ‘small pistol carry’ in the snubby. The Colt Pocket Hammerless is the backup to that if I had to not have the snubbie with me. But what are the chances of that? Another .380 is a backup for the backup (the current 1908 I own) for the backup (the snubbie is a handy carry, but even IT is a backup to a full power semi like the P229 or 1911.)
Gonna adjust the Master List. Not just for the .380 stuff.
So what is the priority on my Get List now that I’ve undergone a bit of sea change and slow down in my boomstick acquisition preference? Well, a .45 carbine still makes me tingle. I’m thinking custom gun for that. With a suppressor. A modern bolt action lefty modified to take 1911 mags and a big ol can. The whole DeLisle concept. Because it is a custom job that will cost me, so it might be a while before something like that gets in the safe.
Another .308 is a very distant thought. Winchester Model 80 or lefty bolt action is also kinda low, but higher than others on the Tertiary List. The Secondary List is low enough priority.
The only other item that interests me enough to raise to Secondary (nothing is really Primary. Primary I'd get before April) is a near-custom 4-ish inch steel Colt Commander type 1911. A good one. Les Baer maybe? Or a true custom lefty 1911. Lots of forged parts (vis MIM). The features would mimic the ones on my government sized model. A safety on the right side, fixed tritium sights, none of that full length guide rod crap. Maybe a melt job to smooth it out. No hurry on this one, also, because of the big costs associated. Perhaps a lefty stripped receiver in the near future and then the slow accumulation of parts for gunsmith assembly. I could do the fitting myself, but I want this pistol to run well.
I’ll shift the 2 to the Secondary list. Maybe a shotgun too. Nothing is in the Primary. And the acquisition of much on the Tertiary list is now exceedingly remote. If I won a lottery I’d buy property to live on with a space for a rifle range. THEN I’d not hesitate to grab every one I’d ever been interested in and shoot a couple thousand rounds a week. Boy that would be fun.
I'm sort of in the place where if a friend came up and said, "I got this old pump 12 gauge the Missus won't let me keep in the house, and do you want to buy it off me?" I'd get the gun, sure, but not many other circumstances will sell me.
I'm better off buying training classes and practice.
I’m in a bit of a shooting funk. My schedule for range sessions is off but I’m just not feelin it. Plus I've just gone to the beach for a family vacation so that is interrupting my routine, too. I need shooty inspiration.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Another example of ignorant Leftist policies that will lead to our doom.
It wouldn't be so bad if they only hurt themselve, but this impacts all of us. Subsidizing zombies?! To THINK! They should be subsidizing zombie-retirement efforts. You don't PAY zombies, you sever the head or destroy the brain.
It wouldn't be so bad if they only hurt themselve, but this impacts all of us. Subsidizing zombies?! To THINK! They should be subsidizing zombie-retirement efforts. You don't PAY zombies, you sever the head or destroy the brain.
MBtGE Range Report
I've been lazy and my routine discombobulated and got off the weekly range trip habit. In the meantime I can post My Buddy the Gun Enthusiast's range details. He got a new AR 15 recently and needed to put it through it's paces.
"A range report:So The Boy and I went to the NRA range yesterday to air out the ARs. We took the AR15 and the AR10 along with my Glock 21.I love the new DPMS AR15. The recoil is so light it was very easy to keep on target even during rapid fire. I think the bull barrel really helps. It is the flat top model with one of my cheap scopes on it currently. Even so, we were hitting nice groups. I have already decided to buy a nice scope for it. Something with good eye relief. It came with two, 30 round mags. I am buying some more Magpul mags today.The AR10 was brutally on target. We ran though 100 rounds very quickly. So quickly that the front grip was too hot to hold. This is the biggest reason to get a drop down fore grip. The AR10 was the loudest thing in the room. The flash was big and the bullets were sparking as they struck the backstop. People were stopping because of the noise as I blazed through my 4th mag. The concussion was moving the brass on the floor that was swept in front of the lanes. Damn, it got hot. Big fun though.I was working on one handed shooting with the Glock, both right and left handed.I was so on target I amazed even myself. Maybe it was a complete lack of flinching. Not even blinking.Next trip out is skeet. YBtGE"
Monday, August 23, 2010
Comic Books
Someone more interested in comics than me noted an overarching theme when it came to Comic Book Themes
Hmmm. Have you ever notice the gun trend in comic books, historically?
Superman? Good guy. Doesn’t use a gun.
Punisher? Bad guy. Uses a gun. Sure he went after bad guys, but his motivation was pure revenge and didn't mind when innocents get in the way. He was out for blood and didn't care who got hurt.
Batman? Good. No gun. Another revenge driven vigilante, but always goes out of his way NOT to kill bad guys and protect the innocent from harm.
Deadpool? Bad. Gun user.
Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Flash... Good. Gunless.
Generic Villains? Bad. Often packing heat.
In comic books, pretty much anyone who uses a gun is bound to be evil. This motif is melting a little bit in modern iterations, post Silver/Bronze Age of comics (late 80s on) but is still the dominant paradigm.
(A trope. A word that wasn't around much 3 years ago, now you can't swing a dead cat without knocking into it.)
Oh there are a few good guy gun users contrary to this general rule, like the Shadow or the Phantom, but those are minor exceptions. The sometime-good / sometimes-bad gun wielders are often mercenaries with monetary gain being their guiding light and allusions with the Military Industrial Complex tacked on as baggage. And there are exceptions, naturally, of a nature like, "Nuh uh! Batman used a pistol he picked up in DC #122 and #198," or whatever. Again, mere quibbles and minutia.
I just found all that interesting, having never considered it before, and it reveals a cultural undercurrent. Before comic books the hero was the iconic cowboy. And the good guys CERTAINLY packed heat along with the bad guys then. In the enterainment media and romantizations.
Hmmm. Have you ever notice the gun trend in comic books, historically?
Superman? Good guy. Doesn’t use a gun.
Punisher? Bad guy. Uses a gun. Sure he went after bad guys, but his motivation was pure revenge and didn't mind when innocents get in the way. He was out for blood and didn't care who got hurt.
Batman? Good. No gun. Another revenge driven vigilante, but always goes out of his way NOT to kill bad guys and protect the innocent from harm.
Deadpool? Bad. Gun user.
Wonder Woman, Spiderman, Flash... Good. Gunless.
Generic Villains? Bad. Often packing heat.
In comic books, pretty much anyone who uses a gun is bound to be evil. This motif is melting a little bit in modern iterations, post Silver/Bronze Age of comics (late 80s on) but is still the dominant paradigm.
(A trope. A word that wasn't around much 3 years ago, now you can't swing a dead cat without knocking into it.)
Oh there are a few good guy gun users contrary to this general rule, like the Shadow or the Phantom, but those are minor exceptions. The sometime-good / sometimes-bad gun wielders are often mercenaries with monetary gain being their guiding light and allusions with the Military Industrial Complex tacked on as baggage. And there are exceptions, naturally, of a nature like, "Nuh uh! Batman used a pistol he picked up in DC #122 and #198," or whatever. Again, mere quibbles and minutia.
I just found all that interesting, having never considered it before, and it reveals a cultural undercurrent. Before comic books the hero was the iconic cowboy. And the good guys CERTAINLY packed heat along with the bad guys then. In the enterainment media and romantizations.
meme or blog crapola
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Terlet Carry
Something I may not have mentioned when I took the CCW class, but it’s been long enough I can repeat the tip without it being too hackneyed.
Some folks don’t/can’t carry at home (Why? Dunno, but there it is.) So as a lesser precaution, stash a pistol in your internal bathroom.
Home invaders work with shock and speed, most times. The ones that don’t just beat you to death, the NICE violent criminals, will herd the frightened residents into an internal bathroom. That way one guy can watch the door while the others take their time and pick through your stuff. It gives them more time to get away, too, as you don’t want to peek out to see it they are gone. With no windows you can’t escape or shout for help, and there is rarely a phone in the terlet for 911. Smart robbers will get your cellphones before shutting the door.
But you can put a cheap .38 revolver in a ziplock bag taped up under the vanity. (Remember to retrieve it when the plumber comes out.) This gives you options. The bag keeps the humidity from playing hell corroding the works. If you have the possibility of kids being over you can put a combination trigger lock on it and still have access to a functioning firearm in 10 seconds.
Just a thought. Or you can carry at home. That lessens the chance for the initial 'beat you death' option.
Some folks don’t/can’t carry at home (Why? Dunno, but there it is.) So as a lesser precaution, stash a pistol in your internal bathroom.
Home invaders work with shock and speed, most times. The ones that don’t just beat you to death, the NICE violent criminals, will herd the frightened residents into an internal bathroom. That way one guy can watch the door while the others take their time and pick through your stuff. It gives them more time to get away, too, as you don’t want to peek out to see it they are gone. With no windows you can’t escape or shout for help, and there is rarely a phone in the terlet for 911. Smart robbers will get your cellphones before shutting the door.
But you can put a cheap .38 revolver in a ziplock bag taped up under the vanity. (Remember to retrieve it when the plumber comes out.) This gives you options. The bag keeps the humidity from playing hell corroding the works. If you have the possibility of kids being over you can put a combination trigger lock on it and still have access to a functioning firearm in 10 seconds.
Just a thought. Or you can carry at home. That lessens the chance for the initial 'beat you death' option.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Open Bolt Vs Closed Bolt
The Garand type action was made automatic in the M2 Carbine and the M14... And it was closed bolt. The M16 types are closed bolts, I am almost certain, all the time. Yet many other machine guns like the Stoner, BAR, or Thompson were open bolt guns.
Advantage to open bolt, as I understand it, is it keeps the chamber cooler longer to avoid cooking off a round with heavy use. The disadvantage is less accuracy as you have the clatter of the bolt after you pull the trigger rather than just release a firing pin. The reverse advantage/disadvantage goes for closed bolt. Those are the big ones, at least.
More than one way to skin a cat when you want to spray lead downrange I guess. And the designed weighs the cost/benefit of the Operating System for what he needs to meet the customer requirements.
You don't see new models of Open Bolt guns available commercially. Probably because the ATF assumes they are too easily modified to fire full auto.
Advantage to open bolt, as I understand it, is it keeps the chamber cooler longer to avoid cooking off a round with heavy use. The disadvantage is less accuracy as you have the clatter of the bolt after you pull the trigger rather than just release a firing pin. The reverse advantage/disadvantage goes for closed bolt. Those are the big ones, at least.
More than one way to skin a cat when you want to spray lead downrange I guess. And the designed weighs the cost/benefit of the Operating System for what he needs to meet the customer requirements.
You don't see new models of Open Bolt guns available commercially. Probably because the ATF assumes they are too easily modified to fire full auto.
Old Timers
Friday, August 20, 2010
A Story of US Military Rifle Caliber
The .30 cal was too big, and they tried to make a .276, but the Army thought that round not powerful enough, plus there was a lot of .30 lying around and the Depression was on and it would be expensive to switch over if the .30 could be made to work in the .276's action.
Later, the .30 cal was too big, and they tried to make a .276, but the army thought that round not powerful enough, so, what the hey let's make a shorter .30 instead, and see if that could be made to work, recoil-wise on full auto in a shoulder rifle.
Later, the .30 cal was too big (recoil), and they stepped it down to .22, totally stepping past the .276 this time. Nearly no one liked the new .22 poodle-shooter. And many still don't.
So the .223 is too small and so they are sorta looking for that .276 again.
You'd think that one of these decades they'll go ahead and adopt that .276. If only MacArthur had given it all the green light in the 1930s. Imagine WWII with M1919's firing .276, and 10-shot Garands, and re-chambered BAR's
Old Timers
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Zombacalypse Failure to 'Succeed'
Here is an article on why a Level 4 outbreak and subsequent Zombacalypse is unlikely. This article is somewhat flawed
They have some good points. What would YOU do if 1000 grizzlies showed up in your town? Sure the bear will get some people, but I don’t doubt that apart from the unlucky, the humans would prevail. And hey, you’d get to use your Garand for realz, yo. And grizzlies are better predators than shamblors. It’d be bad, but we’d get through, I think. Less horror confronting bears, maybe.
But natural predators of zombies like maggots? The flys won’t bother them as their flesh is poisonous. So point against them there. Attack dogs can't bite them without getting sick. Not zombified, but definitely very sick.
Zombie Putrefaction? No. The same poison in zombie flesh works against the flies and other critters that might eat a zombie works on the bacteria that would rot them out. So summer days are no problem, long term. They would slow in the extreme cold, though, having no warming metabolic processes to speak of. They got that part right.
The article assumes that the pathogen that spreads zombification from infected bites can’t REALLY be that virulent. Incorrect. It is. Careful with your ‘assumption’ because you’ll make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘mptions.’ Or somesuch.
Day to day wear and tear does take a toll on zombies body integrity, but they can absorb a lot of wear and tear before becoming immobilized enough to no longer be a threat. You can't walk around with an exposed femur or severed foot for long, but they can.
There are indeed a lot of zombie proof barriers in the world. Thank the good Lord. It’s one of our only hopes. Unless the menace is composed of those very capable sprinters, able to get anywhere a live person can. And maybe more places.
We do indeed have 88 firearms for every 100 people. And even a .22 works as a zombie stopper if you can shoot from a safe place. Even #8 shot from close range.
So, worth checking the post out, but not best info available.
They have some good points. What would YOU do if 1000 grizzlies showed up in your town? Sure the bear will get some people, but I don’t doubt that apart from the unlucky, the humans would prevail. And hey, you’d get to use your Garand for realz, yo. And grizzlies are better predators than shamblors. It’d be bad, but we’d get through, I think. Less horror confronting bears, maybe.
But natural predators of zombies like maggots? The flys won’t bother them as their flesh is poisonous. So point against them there. Attack dogs can't bite them without getting sick. Not zombified, but definitely very sick.
Zombie Putrefaction? No. The same poison in zombie flesh works against the flies and other critters that might eat a zombie works on the bacteria that would rot them out. So summer days are no problem, long term. They would slow in the extreme cold, though, having no warming metabolic processes to speak of. They got that part right.
The article assumes that the pathogen that spreads zombification from infected bites can’t REALLY be that virulent. Incorrect. It is. Careful with your ‘assumption’ because you’ll make an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘mptions.’ Or somesuch.
Day to day wear and tear does take a toll on zombies body integrity, but they can absorb a lot of wear and tear before becoming immobilized enough to no longer be a threat. You can't walk around with an exposed femur or severed foot for long, but they can.
There are indeed a lot of zombie proof barriers in the world. Thank the good Lord. It’s one of our only hopes. Unless the menace is composed of those very capable sprinters, able to get anywhere a live person can. And maybe more places.
We do indeed have 88 firearms for every 100 people. And even a .22 works as a zombie stopper if you can shoot from a safe place. Even #8 shot from close range.
So, worth checking the post out, but not best info available.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Harper's Reporter
Harper's reporter queries gun forum to describe where and how they've cached their firearm in the event of a civil breakdown, is shocked at the negative reaction he receives. Film at 11.
Also on this day in History, Southern bounty hunter asks Harriet Tubman what routes north are her favorite, "just out of professional curiosity, won't do anything with the info..."
Harper's reporter queries gun forum to describe where and how they've cached their firearm in the event of a civil breakdown, is shocked at the negative reaction he receives. Film at 11.
Also on this day in History, Southern bounty hunter asks Harriet Tubman what routes north are her favorite, "just out of professional curiosity, won't do anything with the info..."
Worse case, Level 4 zombie outbreak and subsequent Zombacalypes. THEN walking around with your rifle won't be weird. But, in my case, multiple Terrorist nuke detonation in DC and Baltimore along with other cities and also an EMP hit, is the next worse thing that could happen, and might be more likely than zombies. And even in that kind of nuke disaster, walking around with a long gun will get the askance glance from lots of folk. I'd expect to see people patrol with a rifle close to home or on their property, maybe, but not walking around in crowded public places.
And yet, in hunting season, thousands of people are openly bebopping about with long guns to hand. That ain't Wisconsin Avenue near NIH, tho. So CCW is a probable necessity even in bad times.
Farmer Frank also brings up a point in the Mogadishu battle. The US Soldiers were dropping their empty mags on reload and later were hurting when they needed to reload same from battlepacks of boxed bullets sans replacement mags. I asked some buddies what their SOP was in the 90s and they told me that they were instructed to shove the spent magazine into their shirt. But soldiers don't wear a shirt these days. Not one they can get to. They are wearing body armor. So I guess they DO need an empty drop bag. When you are shooting and scooting, the rattle of a bag of metal STANAG mags is no big deal wrt stealth. You just shot 60 rounds. You aren't going to be stealthy because of THAT, not because two empties are banging together. So only lose the mag when you are recruited into a super secret Gun-Ninja military unit, or when you are competing in run and gun competitions. And you only get to dump the mags when running from zombies as you probably won't have the rifle with you outside a home base static defense type scenario.
Can anyone contemplate a situation when the SHTF when having a rifle with you at all time, as a non soldier, will be socially acceptable in our current cultural environment?
Farmer Frank also brings up a point in the Mogadishu battle. The US Soldiers were dropping their empty mags on reload and later were hurting when they needed to reload same from battlepacks of boxed bullets sans replacement mags. I asked some buddies what their SOP was in the 90s and they told me that they were instructed to shove the spent magazine into their shirt. But soldiers don't wear a shirt these days. Not one they can get to. They are wearing body armor. So I guess they DO need an empty drop bag. When you are shooting and scooting, the rattle of a bag of metal STANAG mags is no big deal wrt stealth. You just shot 60 rounds. You aren't going to be stealthy because of THAT, not because two empties are banging together. So only lose the mag when you are recruited into a super secret Gun-Ninja military unit, or when you are competing in run and gun competitions. And you only get to dump the mags when running from zombies as you probably won't have the rifle with you outside a home base static defense type scenario.
Can anyone contemplate a situation when the SHTF when having a rifle with you at all time, as a non soldier, will be socially acceptable in our current cultural environment?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wash Post
The local anachronistic news delivery system has a piece on the Maryland's SAF CCW court case coming up.
H/T SaysUncle.
I had no idea it was up in Hampstead. I used to date a girl way up there. My coworker lives 'in town'. (If she screams, people will hear her.) Looks like the plaintiff lives in a place where nobody would hear him. If he owns all that he can carry on a big plot of private land. But his crazed former son in law (the perp, it seems) could ambuscade him in town. He DID attack cops in B'more, violating the terms of his parole for the crime stemming from the initial incident, and landing him in the hoosegow finally.
Attack a citizen, you get probation, attack a cop while on probation you get jail. At least the cops don't have to ask permission to carry a gun in public.
H/T SaysUncle.
I had no idea it was up in Hampstead. I used to date a girl way up there. My coworker lives 'in town'. (If she screams, people will hear her.) Looks like the plaintiff lives in a place where nobody would hear him. If he owns all that he can carry on a big plot of private land. But his crazed former son in law (the perp, it seems) could ambuscade him in town. He DID attack cops in B'more, violating the terms of his parole for the crime stemming from the initial incident, and landing him in the hoosegow finally.
Attack a citizen, you get probation, attack a cop while on probation you get jail. At least the cops don't have to ask permission to carry a gun in public.
About Face
By David Hackworth.
I read this book when it first came out 20 odd years ago, but I re-read. Back then I was a young wet behind the ears officer brushing up on professional reading and took value out of it. I'm no military officer now, but I have a bit more life experience and the book 'reads' differently. You can't step in the same river twice and there are whole new things that can be taken away from it.
Events described are less current and more History with a capital H now. So that appeals anew. I know more about the military hardware described. I had learned more about small unit army tactics in the intervening years, too, that weren't necessary relevant to Navy stuff when I first read the book.
Now Hackworth was a legitimate military bad ass back in the day. He had 'seen the elephant' and ate it for breakfast. Later in his career he went around the bend in a cuckoo bananas kind of way, and his politics would never dovetail with mine, but, again, these differences don't detract from this autobiography. The man lived for battle at one time. And he was good at it.
Hackworth joined the Army at age 15 just after WWII, and proceeded to have an eventful career, getting a battlefield commission in Korea and eventually working up to battalion commander in Viet Nam. He is one of the more highly decorated soldier of all time, too.
He became quite disillusioned with the Army because of the conduct of higher ups and politician during Viet Nam. The sclerotic bureaucracy was resistant to learn from hard-earned experience picked up by actual fighters like himself. Because of this he angrily resigned in disgust. The feeling was mutual with the Army and they were relieved to be rid of this thorn in their side. Of course the outcome of Viet Nam indicates that while Hackworth might not have had the answer for success, the Army and the politicians certainly did not.
Anyway, gun content. When at the Pentagon he found 15-20% of casualties were from friendly fire. One of his recommendations to remedy this very high rate was to switch from the 1911 to something else, as the pistol had killed more US soldiers than the enemy. At first I was incredulous, but I can see that. I'm not looking at the actual data, but it makes sense. How many opportunities does a grunt have to shoot at bad guys with a pistol? He's using his rifle for that. But accidents and fights back at base could get tragic, and a pistol grabbed. Add the single action trigger of the 1911 and fewer hours and proclivity training with it, and you have the start of a recipe for death by negligent discharge.
Hackworth also hated the M-16. He thought it too flimsy, and later found out the Army was cheap with the ammo selection, and picked a dirtier round that fouled the rifle quickly. And it wasn't GI or idiot proof. He admits it developed into a decent weapon eventually, but that was after Viet Nam was over. He'd rather it had gone through all its teething problems before it got sent to battle.
And he carried an M1 for the early part of his career. In Korea and into Berlin for the wall. His unit was issued M-14s in Berlin.
I read this book when it first came out 20 odd years ago, but I re-read. Back then I was a young wet behind the ears officer brushing up on professional reading and took value out of it. I'm no military officer now, but I have a bit more life experience and the book 'reads' differently. You can't step in the same river twice and there are whole new things that can be taken away from it.
Events described are less current and more History with a capital H now. So that appeals anew. I know more about the military hardware described. I had learned more about small unit army tactics in the intervening years, too, that weren't necessary relevant to Navy stuff when I first read the book.
Now Hackworth was a legitimate military bad ass back in the day. He had 'seen the elephant' and ate it for breakfast. Later in his career he went around the bend in a cuckoo bananas kind of way, and his politics would never dovetail with mine, but, again, these differences don't detract from this autobiography. The man lived for battle at one time. And he was good at it.
Hackworth joined the Army at age 15 just after WWII, and proceeded to have an eventful career, getting a battlefield commission in Korea and eventually working up to battalion commander in Viet Nam. He is one of the more highly decorated soldier of all time, too.
He became quite disillusioned with the Army because of the conduct of higher ups and politician during Viet Nam. The sclerotic bureaucracy was resistant to learn from hard-earned experience picked up by actual fighters like himself. Because of this he angrily resigned in disgust. The feeling was mutual with the Army and they were relieved to be rid of this thorn in their side. Of course the outcome of Viet Nam indicates that while Hackworth might not have had the answer for success, the Army and the politicians certainly did not.
Anyway, gun content. When at the Pentagon he found 15-20% of casualties were from friendly fire. One of his recommendations to remedy this very high rate was to switch from the 1911 to something else, as the pistol had killed more US soldiers than the enemy. At first I was incredulous, but I can see that. I'm not looking at the actual data, but it makes sense. How many opportunities does a grunt have to shoot at bad guys with a pistol? He's using his rifle for that. But accidents and fights back at base could get tragic, and a pistol grabbed. Add the single action trigger of the 1911 and fewer hours and proclivity training with it, and you have the start of a recipe for death by negligent discharge.
Hackworth also hated the M-16. He thought it too flimsy, and later found out the Army was cheap with the ammo selection, and picked a dirtier round that fouled the rifle quickly. And it wasn't GI or idiot proof. He admits it developed into a decent weapon eventually, but that was after Viet Nam was over. He'd rather it had gone through all its teething problems before it got sent to battle.
And he carried an M1 for the early part of his career. In Korea and into Berlin for the wall. His unit was issued M-14s in Berlin.
book review
Monday, August 16, 2010
House Shotgun
How do you have a pump shotgun (the nigh perfect home defense gun) out and about, yet not accessible to unauthorized people?
A trigger lock would keep it innaccessible, but it also keeps it inaccessible to ME.
Putting it on a rack inside a closet above the door is a thought. Burglars might even miss it up there.
There aren't any other options, are there. It is safe in a gunvault, or out and about and vulnerable to unauthorized hands otherwise. Unless I wallpaper and put a cavity in the studs with the shotgun, but papered over for tear-in access.
Any other ideas?
A trigger lock would keep it innaccessible, but it also keeps it inaccessible to ME.
Putting it on a rack inside a closet above the door is a thought. Burglars might even miss it up there.
There aren't any other options, are there. It is safe in a gunvault, or out and about and vulnerable to unauthorized hands otherwise. Unless I wallpaper and put a cavity in the studs with the shotgun, but papered over for tear-in access.
Any other ideas?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Bush Wrap Up
Obviously something was going on there. I was out of pocket on a RoMERO Mission and only able to communicate with Blogger via VLF, and only with Morse, mostly. And the only crypto I had access to was the Enigma simulator. But I’m sure most of you figure that out. Did you notice the rotor setting was Pi?
It was MUCH less secure for using the same rotor settings each time, and announcing what they were ahead of time. But this is just zombie killing and less of a national security risk than going against something like the Soviets. Same for me not adding padding and setting the format to 5 letter groupings. And I didn't burst traffic. All this is academic if you have access to a 256 bit scrambler. Or better.
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
Lots of Z activity in Guatemala. You’ve seen those big sinkhole things? Yeah. Now you know.
Somehow, our ‘bus’ got hung up out there. That terrain is pretty rough, even for all terrain vehicles. I'm glad I wasn't at the wheel as our driver will never hear the end of it. This is ok, though, getting stuck, and we were in no danger. When the engine stops we go to minimal power. On board are battery banks with solar panels up top to charge same. There is also a hand-crank generator if you REALLY need electricity and exercise. But we do have to shut down a lot of equipment because of power draw and there is no way to really cool a lot of it. I was reduced to that shortwave and the enigma code, which is why I updated the blog thusly.
Our stationary position and running the gas generator (while the fuel held out) to keep the AC on in one place for extended period eventually got the shamblor attention. We were surrounded by over a dozen eventually. Once help arrived, we buttoned up and the other vehicle retired the zeds (the pinging of bullets off the vehicle armor was interesting to listen to. POP! POP! PING! PANG!) and we were able to get towed out and evacced. Damn hot down there near the equator. Glad we had extra water on board to drink.
Here is the decypher of the outgoing message traffic, from each day:
Guatemalan Romero Mission, posted in support vehicle with data and comms
Two zeds sighted two miles north of this position
Kinetic team retired two but more sighted east
Confirmed six to the east team deployed and more at first pos
Forces dispersed to cover wider area
have a bad feeling about this
Vehicle drive train disabled but engine still running AC
Fuel gone waiting on support or pickup
It is very hot
One zombie scratching the 'bus' but cannot get through screens
We can sit tight and still provide data services with solar
Four zed close requesting perm to retire with onboard firearms
Request denied for security reasons so waiting for cavalry
I am going outside and may be some time
Back and I feel much lighter but now up to nine zed
You THOUGHT I got eaten did you... We are useful in attracting strays
FINALLY rescued and heading home mission accomplished
Here is another simulator if you are interested
28 Shamblors retired. No injuries to Romero teams save for some borderline heat exhaustion cases. Truth effectively suppressed. You're welcome.
It was MUCH less secure for using the same rotor settings each time, and announcing what they were ahead of time. But this is just zombie killing and less of a national security risk than going against something like the Soviets. Same for me not adding padding and setting the format to 5 letter groupings. And I didn't burst traffic. All this is academic if you have access to a 256 bit scrambler. Or better.
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
Lots of Z activity in Guatemala. You’ve seen those big sinkhole things? Yeah. Now you know.
Somehow, our ‘bus’ got hung up out there. That terrain is pretty rough, even for all terrain vehicles. I'm glad I wasn't at the wheel as our driver will never hear the end of it. This is ok, though, getting stuck, and we were in no danger. When the engine stops we go to minimal power. On board are battery banks with solar panels up top to charge same. There is also a hand-crank generator if you REALLY need electricity and exercise. But we do have to shut down a lot of equipment because of power draw and there is no way to really cool a lot of it. I was reduced to that shortwave and the enigma code, which is why I updated the blog thusly.
Our stationary position and running the gas generator (while the fuel held out) to keep the AC on in one place for extended period eventually got the shamblor attention. We were surrounded by over a dozen eventually. Once help arrived, we buttoned up and the other vehicle retired the zeds (the pinging of bullets off the vehicle armor was interesting to listen to. POP! POP! PING! PANG!) and we were able to get towed out and evacced. Damn hot down there near the equator. Glad we had extra water on board to drink.
Here is the decypher of the outgoing message traffic, from each day:
Guatemalan Romero Mission, posted in support vehicle with data and comms
Two zeds sighted two miles north of this position
Kinetic team retired two but more sighted east
Confirmed six to the east team deployed and more at first pos
Forces dispersed to cover wider area
have a bad feeling about this
Vehicle drive train disabled but engine still running AC
Fuel gone waiting on support or pickup
It is very hot
One zombie scratching the 'bus' but cannot get through screens
We can sit tight and still provide data services with solar
Four zed close requesting perm to retire with onboard firearms
Request denied for security reasons so waiting for cavalry
I am going outside and may be some time
Back and I feel much lighter but now up to nine zed
You THOUGHT I got eaten did you... We are useful in attracting strays
FINALLY rescued and heading home mission accomplished
Here is another simulator if you are interested
28 Shamblors retired. No injuries to Romero teams save for some borderline heat exhaustion cases. Truth effectively suppressed. You're welcome.
In the Bush XVI
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. -. - .--. ...- .- .--- / -.- .. ...- --.. -... --.- .-- / ..- -- --. / -.-. ..- --. . ... -... --.. / .--- ... --- --.- / .- --.. -- .. --. -.- .- / -.-- . ..-. .. .-.. . . --. -.-. - .--. .
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. -. - .--. ...- .- .--- / -.- .. ...- --.. -... --.- .-- / ..- -- --. / -.-. ..- --. . ... -... --.. / .--- ... --- --.- / .- --.. -- .. --. -.- .- / -.-- . ..-. .. .-.. . . --. -.-. - .--. .
In the Bush XV
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-.. .- ...- / ..- .--. -... ... -... -.- -.-- / - / -.-. .--. .-. / --. .-.. --.- --. -..- / .... -.- .--. / -.. -.- --- / ~ / --. --.- / --. -.- .-- / --. .. -- .... .--- .... / .--. --.- / -. -.-- -.-. -. --.. ... .... -. --.. -... / --.- .- ...- -..- ..- ---
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-.. .- ...- / ..- .--. -... ... -... -.- -.-- / - / -.-. .--. .-. / --. .-.. --.- --. -..- / .... -.- .--. / -.. -.- --- / ~ / --. --.- / --. -.- .-- / --. .. -- .... .--- .... / .--. --.- / -. -.-- -.-. -. --.. ... .... -. --.. -... / --.- .- ...- -..- ..- ---
Saturday, August 14, 2010
In the Bush XIV
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-. --- .-.. -... / --. -- ..-. / .--. / ... .-- .-- -- / .-.. ...- ...- .-- / --- -... .--. -.. -.-. ..-. .... / -..- --- ..- / -.- ... -.-. / -... -. / ..-. .--- / . ... .--. -.-. / .-- .-.. ...-
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-. --- .-.. -... / --. -- ..-. / .--. / ... .-- .-- -- / .-.. ...- ...- .-- / --- -... .--. -.. -.-. ..-. .... / -..- --- ..- / -.- ... -.-. / -... -. / ..-. .--- / . ... .--. -.-. / .-- .-.. ...-
Friday, August 13, 2010
In the Bush XIII
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
..- / --- .--- / --.- . --.- .... -... / .--. .. .. -.-- .-- .-- --. / .-.. .-. --.. / -.-- --. -. / .--- -.-. / - ..- -... --.- / -.. . -.-. .--
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
..- / --- .--- / --.- . --.- .... -... / .--. .. .. -.-- .-- .-- --. / .-.. .-. --.. / -.-- --. -. / .--- -.-. / - ..- -... --.- / -.. . -.-. .--
Thursday, August 12, 2010
In the Bush XII
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.--- -.-- . - --- -.- --. / -- .. .-. - --.. -. / ... --.. ..- / .--. --. -... -. ...- ... -.- --.- / -.-. ..-. ... --- ..- .- -- / .. .--- / ... -. ... -- .-. .- .... / -..- -..- -- / ... .-.. ---
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.--- -.-- . - --- -.- --. / -- .. .-. - --.. -. / ... --.. ..- / .--. --. -... -. ...- ... -.- --.- / -.-. ..-. ... --- ..- .- -- / .. .--- / ... -. ... -- .-. .- .... / -..- -..- -- / ... .-.. ---
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
In the Bush XI
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. .- ...- .-- / ..- -.-. ..-. / -. .--- ..-. --- --.. / .... -... ..-. .-. -- -..- .-. .-- -.-- .-.. / --. .-- -.-. -... / --.. ... / -.- .-- ...- ... ..- -. / .--. ... -- -... / .. --- .--- -..- --.. --- .--. / -... ...- .- - - ...- -.-. --..
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. .- ...- .-- / ..- -.-. ..-. / -. .--- ..-. --- --.. / .... -... ..-. .-. -- -..- .-. .-- -.-- .-.. / --. .-- -.-. -... / --.. ... / -.- .-- ...- ... ..- -. / .--. ... -- -... / .. --- .--- -..- --.. --- .--. / -... ...- .- - - ...- -.-. --..
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
In the Bush X
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
... -.-- / .-.. .--. -.- / -.- .- --- / -. ..- -- ..-. .- / -.- -.- .--- / .--. .-- .-- -.-. --.- / -.. .... -.- ... .--- .. --.- / -..- --- ...- -..- /
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
... -.-- / .-.. .--. -.- / -.- .- --- / -. ..- -- ..-. .- / -.- -.- .--- / .--. .-- .-- -.-. --.- / -.. .... -.- ... .--- .. --.- / -..- --- ...- -..- /
Monday, August 9, 2010
In the Bush IX
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
...- .. --.- / .-.. . -. --.- .--. .. / ...- --.. .--- - .-. ...- .-- -..- ..- .--. / --- .-- ..-. / -. -- ...- / -- -.-- -.. / .-- -. .--. -.-- .--- --.. / ...- ..- -- / -.- ...- .--. -.-- ..-. .. --.. / .-- -.-- ... -.-- - -.-. -.-.
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
...- .. --.- / .-.. . -. --.- .--. .. / ...- --.. .--- - .-. ...- .-- -..- ..- .--. / --- .-- ..-. / -. -- ...- / -- -.-- -.. / .-- -. .--. -.-- .--- --.. / ...- ..- -- / -.- ...- .--. -.-- ..-. .. --.. / .-- -.-- ... -.-- - -.-. -.-.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
In the Bush VII
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. -.. --.- --.. / .- -... .... ..- / .-. -... - -..- .-- -- . / --. .-. / -..- . -..- --.. .- .... ... / ..- --.. / .-. -.-. .-- .... --. ....
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. -.. --.- --.. / .- -... .... ..- / .-. -... - -..- .-- -- . / --. .-. / -..- . -..- --.. .- .... ... / ..- --.. / .-. -.-. .-- .... --. ....
Friday, August 6, 2010
In the Bush VI
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
- --- ..- .. / --. / --- .. -- / ... .-- .-- -- .-- -- . / .-.. --.. -.-- . --- / -.-. .-- .-.. -
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
- --- ..- .. / --. / --- .. -- / ... .-- .-- -- .-- -- . / .-.. --.. -.-- . --- / -.-. .-- .-.. -
Thursday, August 5, 2010
In the Bush V
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. .- .. -.-- --- -.- / ..-. .--. ..-. --.- .-- .--- ...- -... .--. / ...- .-.. / .... -.- ..-. -.. - / .- .--. -... ..-. .--. / --. -.- .-- -...
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.-.. .- .. -.-- --- -.- / ..-. .--. ..-. --.- .-- .--- ...- -... .--. / ...- .-.. / .... -.- ..-. -.. - / .- .--. -... ..-. .--. / --. -.- .-- -...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
In the Bush IV
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
--. .- - .... .-. .--- -.-. ..- -- / ...- - - / .- .--. / ... .-- -- / --. -.. .-. -.-. / .-. -.-. .--- --. / -..- --.- .-.. .--- ... --.. --.- --.. / -... .- -- / - -.-- ..-. ..-. / .. .. / -.-. ...- --.. .- ..- / .-- -.- --.
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
--. .- - .... .-. .--- -.-. ..- -- / ...- - - / .- .--. / ... .-- -- / --. -.. .-. -.-. / .-. -.-. .--- --. / -..- --.- .-.. .--- ... --.. --.- --.. / -... .- -- / - -.-- ..-. ..-. / .. .. / -.-. ...- --.. .- ..- / .-- -.- --.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
In the Bush III
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
--.. -. - .. -..- --.- -- / --- .. -... --. / .--- --.- .-. .-. ..- -- --.. / .-. .. --. / .--- --.- ... / --. ... .--. --.- / .... --.. ..- .--. -..- -. -.-. / ..- .-.. .-.. .--
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
--.. -. - .. -..- --.- -- / --- .. -... --. / .--- --.- .-. .-. ..- -- --.. / .-. .. --. / .--- --.- ... / --. ... .--. --.- / .... --.. ..- .--. -..- -. -.-. / ..- .-.. .-.. .--
Monday, August 2, 2010
In the Bush II
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.... .--. ..-. / .-.. --- .... ..- / .-.. . -- -.. -..- --.- .-- / ... .... .-.. / .- .-- -.-. -.. .. / -... -.- -.-. ..- -.-. / ... ...- / .--- ..-. ... -.-. / ..- -.- .. .--. -.-
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
.... .--. ..-. / .-.. --- .... ..- / .-.. . -- -.. -..- --.- .-- / ... .... .-.. / .- .-- -.-. -.. .. / -... -.- -.-. ..- -.-. / ... ...- / .--- ..-. ... -.-. / ..- -.- .. .--. -.-
Sunday, August 1, 2010
In the Bush I
Rotor Pos: 314
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-.-. -.. .... ..- --- -. .. ... -.-- .-. / ..-. -. .-.. -... .. --. / . -... ...- .-. -.- .- -... / .. ..- --- --.. --.- -..- / --.. .--. / .. .-. ..- .-- -..- -.. -.- / .... ..-. -... - ..-. ..-. -.-. / --.. ...- --- -. / .-. .-.. .... . / --.- .... ...- / -.-- .... .--. -.-- ...-
No plug
Rotor Type: 341
-.-. -.. .... ..- --- -. .. ... -.-- .-. / ..-. -. .-.. -... .. --. / . -... ...- .-. -.- .- -... / .. ..- --- --.. --.- -..- / --.. .--. / .. .-. ..- .-- -..- -.. -.- / .... ..-. -... - ..-. ..-. -.-. / --.. ...- --- -. / .-. .-.. .... . / --.- .... ...- / -.-- .... .--. -.-- ...-
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