Monday, August 16, 2010

House Shotgun

How do you have a pump shotgun (the nigh perfect home defense gun) out and about, yet not accessible to unauthorized people?

A trigger lock would keep it innaccessible, but it also keeps it inaccessible to ME.

Putting it on a rack inside a closet above the door is a thought. Burglars might even miss it up there.

There aren't any other options, are there. It is safe in a gunvault, or out and about and vulnerable to unauthorized hands otherwise. Unless I wallpaper and put a cavity in the studs with the shotgun, but papered over for tear-in access.

Any other ideas?


Carteach said...

Couch against wall, shotgun hanging in velcro straps on back of couch..... if you never have kids at the house.

Bob said...

Cedar chest or other trunk-style container used as a coffee table, shotgun therein.

Bubblehead Les. said...

There's a rack system that places it horizontal alongside the bed frame, covered by the blanket. Also, Sportsmans Guide sell something that holds it vertical in the space between the hinge side of a door and the wall, if you have a shallow corner in your bedroom, (and no kids, of course).

Frozen said...

Wife has a cable lock on hers, key is in the 1 gun quick access safe on the nightstand. The theory is that i snag my .45 (also in said safe), and she gets the key and unlocks the shotgun while i defend the upstairs where the family sleeps.

Anonymous said...

something like this might work for you.

I really enjoy your blog.

Murphy's Law said...

I keep mine in my bedroom next to the bed. Unless you're a smoking hot chick with questionable morals, you'll never see it. ;-)

JB Miller said...

Hang it above the closet door, loaded.

Put a 2 inch washer on a 3 inch screw. Screw to through the center of the trigger. Don't hit a stud.

It secures it to the wall and can be ripped down quickly in an emergency.

New Jovian Thunderbolt said...

That's a possibility, JB, but my house is plaster, not drywall. I also assume you mean loaded tube and none in the chamber will screwing through the trigger guard void to secure it.

Jerome said...


Jay G said...


What about something like this?

Granted you need a key, but the gun can be kept locked and loaded and securely stored - even in MA!

A little practice with the key is needed, but that can be incorporated into a home defense plan...

John B said...

I keep mine on a rack above the inside closet door. I did keep a nef .410/.45LC in a jardinière by the front door but this was figured to be too accessible. Now I have it propped above the front door. people have come in, stayed for a bit, and damn near had a heart attack at they noticed the 'friend' above the door. I just train members of my household to respect loaded weapons. Locks are for suckers. "Oh excuse me Mr. Home Invader, can you wait a minute while I unlock my gun, I'll be right with you."