At the range the other day (report comin') I DID get to fondle one of those new Taurus Slims in 9mm.
The trigger creep was pretty bad. And the thing FEELS like a Kel Tec .380, but a hair bigger. It is definitely skinny. Just a hair too big for a pocket, maybe.
It didn't give me a lot of urge to buy it of something the same size. I'm sorta looking for a single stack that I would holster, not pocket carry. I wouldn't adopt something like this, in 9mm, since I already have that S&W 640 for that role.
A slightly larger .40 may be what I want. I need a skoche more grip length.
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I haven't even seen one yet... sigh...
If you want a single stack to holster, why not just get a smaller 1911?
Haven't gotten my head around a 1911 OS properly for carry.
And even if I was comfortable carrying a Commander sized 1911, I'm still looking for something a little smaller lighter and more streamlined.
Plus this is a whole "watching the direction the industry is going" motif.
Kahr Arms, perhaps? But I must admit, if it's going into a holster, why are you so concerned about grip size printing through your clothing? Why carry a single stack in .40 thats the size of Compact or Sub-Compact when you can have a double stack in the same caliber? There are lots of polymer framed pistols out there that can easily fit the bill.
Try this. Figure out how you want to carry your holster (IWB, Paddle, Belt slide, etc.), then go to the gun store and lay a Slim Nine on top of a small double stack, and see how much difference you'd be saving on the grip circumference. Then ask yourself this: If there is a Level 4 outbreak, will the Ammo Fairy (like Clint Smith likes to say) drop lots of magazines on top of my head?
Something tells me that this new trend of smaller single-stacks in larger calibers is a marketing ploy. Unless some Obamanation Czar tries to re-instate the 10 round Magazine ban, you have many fine choices of small double stacks out there to fit your need. Hope this helps.
I have a double stack .40. It suits just fine for what it is. It's just bulky. I want the same P229 in single stack grip size. I love the P229, but...
Yes it may be a marketing ploy, but I have a 'need'. Let's see if they fill it with something satisfactory.
I am very happy with my Sig P220 Carry in .45. Especially as California restricts us to a 10-round max magazine. As for the Level 4 outbreak, I now have 5 8-round and 5 10-round magazines, which gives me 91 rounds (including 1 in the chamber).
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