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That's a sound Zombacalypse survival strategy. I wish I knew the source, but this came to me anonymously.
The idea is you distill down zombies to make the 'bio' diesel to fuel your motors, and you live and farm on the towed barges.
Some think .50s are overkill, but would be useful against against uninfected pirates coming to do you ill. Zombies would be retired with the crews personal arms.
Then you just tool up and down the Mississippi in relative safety, watching out for low bridges and ambushes from the shore (bad guys would have seen you go back and forth and eventually work out a plan to try and get you.)
I'd want more boats moored alongside for greater mobility and an ability to divide my forces for great tactical flexibility and as precautionary escape methods.
Long term viability? Eventually you'll have to settle somewhere when the equipment breaks down. Eventually your barges will rust. Eventually the Mississippi itself will get angry and cause a foundering event. But with luck you could go a long time. Maybe the zombies will thin out a bit over a few years. And you'll have scouted the best place to may settle down by then and might even make it back there.
Update: The source is Zombie Hunters at Zombie Squad.
I guess I've never thought of this, but can zombies swim?
they can't swim, but they can walk along the bottom. Be sure YOU swim in deep enough water.
I had an idea like this, but it involved hollowing out a butte in Montana, digging a moat around it, and putting in a conveyor belt / woodchipper setup to automate the process. Live inside, farm on top, and pick one that has water underneath or uphill from it. It'd have to be filtered or distilled, though, since there's a nonzero chance of zombie sludge contaminating the ground water.
I linked to it on Zombie Squad, just for you.
Hey, let's start a new Internet Controversy: Do you stay put and let the Zombies come to you (the Shopping Mall Scenario) or do you keep moving and only deal with them if they cross your path (the River Barge Doctrine)? I'm kinda partial to the Mall scenario myself, but with all the Mall Ninja's that would be stuck inside with me....
Well one could easily survive by just taking a few steps. A stilted home (like the ones in most beach areas) are ideal for zombie survival. But anywhere that you can either demolish or pull stairs up will be a forever safe haven against a zombie apocalypse. As zombies do not have the ability to jump you will be perfectly safe.
I suggest somewhere above the snowline as once it snows the zombies will freeze and you will be able to forage for materials and maybe even find a new safe house for the next year.
One could out live the entire apocalypse and die a normal death only due to getting old as long as they took the time to prepare. I suggest you do a bit of research on zombie survival as most people have the ability, but not the brains to actually survive.
And the zombies would only last so long before rotting so chances are they are all gone long before you die of old age.
Oh, Mr. Zombie Survival guy... You need to read through my archives.
Here is your source. It's a yearly competition with some awesome designs:
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