Friday, February 4, 2022

Fumbling for Traction

To stop their slide, we sorta expected Joe's grasping hands to reach for gun control.  I dunno why they think this will pass or might be popular.  Any more so than their other legislations.  At least THOSE had built in payoffs to entice legislators to go along.

If you wanna fight crime, go after criminals.  Don't go after the criminal's shoes or the criminal's earrings or the criminals other possessions they sometimes use to help them commit crimes.

"Feature" include:

  • So-called Ghost Gun bans
  • Private sales, regardless if the sale is legal or not
The only time where a gun-centric initiative bore any anti-crime fruit, to my knowledge, is when things like Project Exile were up.  But that's because it didn't go after guns, a morally neutral mere-deodand.  It went after the criminals, meting out long sentences for crimes committed with guns.  But locking criminals up, despite being a proven effective strategy, is not in fashion at this time.

"Project Exile was flawed, T-Bolt!  And probably raciss!"

Sigh.  Yeah, perhaps it was both of those.  So fix the flaws.  That's what we pay your lawmakers and preznits to do.

Poor Joe.  He's flailing.  Hate to see it.


Bigus Macus said...

So all Slow Joe's actions will do is spur more gun sales.

2021 U.S. Gun Sales End Year with a Bang

Aaron said...

Anything to try and fire up their base and keep the support of their "progressive wing", and Gun Control is still popular among the Democrats.

It also helps distract from the defund the police fracas while blaming inanimate objects and Republicans for the Democrat-caused crime wave.

Just like his sudden announcement that he's going to redouble his efforts to cure cancer when the 300,000 lost jobs report came out, the gun control push is an attempt to distract from his multiple failures to get their agenda pushed through and multiple domestic, foreign policy, and economic failures.

riverrider said...

yeah, about that 300k job loss...turned into a 467k jobs added. hmmmm. i hate using this term but...i call bullshit. yeah, some mumbo jumbo about omicron, yeah yeah yada yada. you don't make a 767k mistake like that.

John T. Block said...

"Gun control" - the last refuge of the scoundrel and liar...