Saturday, June 7, 2008

Bandoleer Loading

When you place a magazine in your ammo pouch or bandolier pocket, do you put it in open end down as SOP? I believe so, but want to confirm. I've seen those loops either built onto the bottom of a magazine or stapped on like Magpul sells.

And that loop makes it easier to draw a magazine out of a pocket.

So apparently you at least sometimes do. Is it ALL the time though.

[I should ask a Mall Ninja. They would know.]

I can guess some 'whys' on putting them in open end down. It keeps dirt and water out of the magazine. Dust, like you'd find in Iraq, especially.

I can guess why you'd put em in open end up, so you can see which ones are loaded, and so they the cartridges won't rattle out. But if you are putting empty mags back, just turn THOSE the opposite way, and then you'd know at a glance. And how likely is it that one would rattle out of a full mag, really? In that snug pocket, with that strong mag spring?


Anonymous said...

In the service, we were taught to put everything in open ended down, and with the bullets pointing to the left (if you're a right handed shooter). The reason for this is that you can draw and place the magazine in one smooth motion. If you place the mag open end up, then when it draw it, your hand is at the top, and you have to readjust it in your hand before you can load it. The same thing goes if you put the bullets in pointing the wrong way.

Try it, it's simple. Put a mag in a pouch on your left hip, open end down a bullets pointing back. You should be able to pull it out and up to your weapon in one smooth motion.


The Customer said...

Like you I was also taught to put them down facing back. It makes sense seeing it would keep from getting sand in the mag and if you had to take a swim would allow the magazines to drain. M16/M4 do not like water all that much due to the gas system. I have seen an upper blown apart because of not waiting long enough to drain.