Spoilers to Follow.
Chekhov (not the navigator on the NCC1701) said something to the effect: "If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired. Otherwise don't put it there."
Well, Sheriff Grimey Grimes found a grenade in the 1st Act, and in the 6th he finally got to use it.
Ok, that season is in the can. I like it, but sometime the writing is stretching. Magical CAT scans at CDC? Computer controlled and voice activated building? A FANCY building in the center of town, and architectural wonder, but with a mission you don't want folks to know about?
I know gummint buildings. It should be designed in New Soviet Union concrete esthetics. And probably be on a military installation to better protect it.
You got fuel for the fuel air bomb for the self destruct sequence, but not the generator?
Sheesh. A bit forced.
But that doesn't mean I don't like it. I mean, hey, ZOMBIES. I'll certainly catch the second season. I'm just worried it's trying to jump the shark. Explode the fridge.
I'd like to see our merry band of survivors, shrinking all the time, start to show some competence in the second season. Also, some more zombies. I am avoiding seeking out the comic book and graphic novel for this to avoid my own self-spoilers, though I do know they've already deviated from the source material on the TV.
I have a feeling I know what Doc Jenner told Grimes in that whispered convo at the end. "You know that blood test I took? Yeah, your missus is gravid. And the blood is kinda whiney and impulsive so the Deptuty is probably the baby-daddy. Oh, you didn't know she was doing the woodland clearing waltz nekkid with that guy less that 12 hours before you came back and were cutting a slice off that loaf? So yeah, could be either, but I'm thinking it's your best buddy. Well I hope she took a swim in the quarry between the two of you at least..."
A commenter recently suggested on of the online, black-market digital
archives as a source of the out-of-print Andre Norton books I had
mentioned. I'...
1 hour ago
The thing I wonder about most is the crossbow Darryl uses. We've seen him shoot zombies with it, and pull the bolts out to re-use. If he shoots game with the same bolt without sterilizing it, would the zombie virus be able to infect the game animal? Could the virus be passed to humans in the game meat? (if it's cooked properly, I would guess not, but meat cooked rare? Asking for trouble)
And where's Earl? I'd like to see an episode where his tale is told, from the time he cuts off his hand until the present.
There were some inconsistencies like the “secret” gubment building but the 1st season was very enjoyable overall, although definitely needed more zombie action. By the way I can read lips and Doc really said “I’ve really got to go to the bathroom, but I guess it doesn’t matter now…”
I wish everybody would quit picking on Shane, he thought Rick was dead and he took care of Lori and Carl after that. Rick coming back and finding them was a freak impoossibility. Granted, Shane needs to calm down and go find a new piece of tail now, but that doesn't change the fact that nobody did wrong here.
Oh, yes, Sigboy, agreed. Perfectly justified actions by Shane, methinks. Up until the point Grimes walks into camp. If at that point he had calmed down, accepted his lot in life, and moved on, that would have been for the best.
This assumes we take everything at face value and he really thought Grimes was dead in the hospital.
But if he thought he was dead, why did he shove the bed in front of his hospital door to keep the zombies out of his room?...
Why did he check for a heartbeat when the power went out?
But we are all agreed that Shane should have patted his buddy on the back, told him that he kept it warm for him and moved on. I think the writers are using the tension with Lori as a metaphor for Rick and Shane's different PAW priorities.
My thoughts on the barricaded door is that he wanted to keep his friend from turning into a zombie. I would hope that you would do the same for me.....
I have little sympathy for Shane at this point, since his clumsy attempt to woo Lori back turned into a near-rape. And he was fantasizing about killing Rick, and beat that other guy nearly to death. Guy's a loose cannon.
Well "Friendship's Final Duty" is a bit different in a Zombacalypse, Sig. But Shane didn't yet know about that.
And I am with you, Bob. Shane has to do a LOT of redemption at this point to get back into my good graces. And he was doing so well up to a point in time...
They need to start getting smarter. Proactive, not reactive.
Set up a base of operations. Secure it for real! Begin salvage operations. Make it comfortable. Weapons. Swords!
They need to pith the dead with an ice pick. Save the bullets and mess from the pick axe!
When the hell was the finale?
DVR better have done it's job dammit.
And guys and gals, remember, it's a show. It has to have a storyline. How fun would a show be to watch if the survivors were smart. And an hour per week of watching them picking off zeds from the roof of a barricaded wholesale store wouldn't get the ratings (but it would be fun :-) )
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